John Dimsdale

Amateur rider John Robert Dimsdale, a farmer from Barkway, near Royston, in Hertfordshire, was typical of those sporting owner-riders who take part in races for the thrill of it and not for financial gain.

He rode two winners from seven mounts during the 1950/51 National Hunt season, both on Parasol II, whom he owned, trained and rode to win hunter chases at Huntingdon on Easter Monday, March 26 and at Wye on April 16, 1951.

However, it was to be a season that ended in tragedy. He returned to Huntingdon on Whit Monday, May 14, 1951 to ride another of his horses, Guilty Offspring, in the Hinchingbrooke Hunters’ Chase. The horse fell and Mr Dimsdale sustained serious injuries including a fractured skull and ribs. He died on the way to hospital.

He was 37 and left a widow and four children.