Англійська мова

урок 48 23.03.20 gadukovav@gmail.com Надсилайте відповіді

тема: Урок узагальнення знань з теми "Мистецтво"

виконайте, будь ласка, завданн т ааворче - відгук від картини відомих художників. спочатку - інформація про відомих англійських художників

John Constable

· an English landscape painter;

· was born in Suffolk in 1776;

· in 1799 was send to the Royal Academy in London to study art;

· loved the countryside, and his best work was of outdoor scenes in his native Suffolk and his London home in Hampstead;

· found the success in France where his 1821 master work The Haywain was exhibited at the Paris Salon of 1824;

· died in 1837 and buried, St. John-at-Hampstead Churchyard, London, England.

Sir Joshua Reynolds

· was born in Devonshire in 1723;

· a portrait painter;

· the most prominent figure in the English school of painting;

· one of the founders and first President of the Royal Academy;

· promoted the “Grand Style” in painting which depended on idealization of the imperfect;

· died in 1792 and buried, St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, England.

Sir Thomas Lawrence

· was born in Bristol in 1769;

· English painter;

· in 1794 he was a Royal Academician, and he became the fashionable portrait painter of the age;

· had all the qualities of the personal manner and among English portrait painters he takes a high place;

· president of the Academy from 1820 to his death;

· died in 1830 in London.

Speaking about Art-2.ppt


Match the sentences and the tenses:

1. I hope somebody has got my message.

Present Perfect

Future Simple

Past Simple

2. Is he in London now?

Past Simple

Present Progressive (continuous)

Present Simple

3. Where will he travel next year?

Present Perfect

Future Simple

Present Progressive

4. What's happening?

Present Progressive

Future Simple

Past Simple

5. They were looking for professor Wallace.

Present Progressive

Future Simple

Past Progressive

6. He will take a plane from London to Indonesia.

Past Simple

Present Progressive

Future Simple

7. He is going to take some photos.

Past Simple

Present Progressive

Present Perfect

8. What was she wearing?

Past Progressive

Future Simple

Past Simple

9. Professor Wallacce was in Indonessia about two months ago.

Past Simple

Future Simple

Present Perfect

10. Kate's got many pen friends.

Future Simple

Present Perfect

Present Progressive

11. Elephants are often 4 metres tall.

Present Simple

Past Simple

Present Perfect

12. Jane was at the newsagent's.

Present Progressive

Future Simple

Past Simple

Match the nouns to the definitions and make up your sentences:

1. Someone who paints picture is…

2. Someone who knows much about colures is…

3. Someone who buys and sells pictures is…

4. Someone who buys and sells pictures is…

5. Someone who paints portraits is…

6. Someone who paints landscapes is…

7. Someone who paints seas is…

8. Someone who loves art is…

a) a colorist;

b) an art dealer;

c) an art critic;

d) a portraitist;

e) a landscapist;

f) a marinist;

g) an admirer;

h) an artist.

27.03.20 урок 49

продивіться поради про написання письмових робіт. хто не здає ЗНО, це також треба.

ЗНО з англійськоС.mp4


Пасивний стан. Passive Voice. ЗНО з.mp4


06.04-10.04 тема: Англомовні країни

прогляньте, будь ласка, презентацію, законспектуйте. А ЗНО ще й працює за посібниками. Не лінуйтеся. :) Будуть питання, пишіть.


13.04 Тема: Англомовні країни

Складіть невеличку презентацію (буклет) про будь-яку англомовну країну. Візитну картку


тема: Україна: від минувшини до майбутнього

у підручнику - с.228. Опрацюйте текст (легкий). Виконайте післятекстові вправи № 3, 4

Хто не вислав ще тест за 23.03 - вишліть. Я не зможу вас атестувати. У понеділок - ще одна підсумкова робота.

Не забувайте про посібники ЗНО. Виконуйте завдання, перевіряйте себе. Не лінуйтесь :)

Вишліть відповіді. Речення переписувати не треба

27.04 I. Завдання: заповнити пропуски, використовуючи необхідну форму герундія від дієслова, відповідно до змісту речення (to think, to change,to sail, to lie, to drive, to worry, to get, to say)

1. Start … about pleasant things.

2. Americans enjoy … houses.

3. Would you like to go … in the sea?

4. Most people enjoy … in the sun.

5. John likes … at a high speed.

6. Stop … about your troubles.

7. Jack was proud of … the first prize.

8. Helen was so angry that she left without … a word.

II. завдання: заповнити пропуски відносними займенниками (that, who, which, where, whose)

1. He is a doctor … works in our local hospital.

2. A hurricane is a storm … has strong winds.

3. I spoke to the woman … daughter I know.

4. The island … I go on holiday is a beautiful place.

III. завдання: розкрити дужки, утворюючи відповідну форму пасивного стану

1. My question (to answer) last lesson.

2. Hockey usually (to play) in winter.

3. His new book (to finish) next year.

4. Bread (to buy) last night?

04.05 Ще раз пройдіться, будь ласка, по завданням, які я вам висилала. ЗНО - працюйте по посібниках. Роботи перевіряю. Бо деякі вислали за півтора місяця.


Семестрова контрольна робота з письма

1. Написати риси характеру (по чотири риси)



2.Переклад на англійську мову

Юнак або дівчина віком від 13 до 19 років__________________ невелика сім я________________

Внучка__________________________________ племінник___________________________________

хрещена__________________________________ батьки_____________________________________

Родич___________________________________ двоюрідний брат (сестра)______________________

Скільки тобі років?________________________ Де ти народився?___________________________

У тебе є брат?___________________________ Хто твій друг?________________________________

3. Навести приклад по одному реченню. (в кожного своє…)

Present Simple_________________________________________________________________________

Present Continuous_____________________________________________________________________

Past Simple___________________________________________________________________________

Future Simple__________________________________________________________________________

4. Скласти спеціальні запитання.

1. I like read books. What ........................................................................................................................... ? 2. I’ve got two dogs and a cat. How many .................................................................................................. ? 3.I’ve got an expensive car. What .............................................................................................................. ? 4. John came late last night. Who ............................................................................................................... ? 5.Fish live in water. Where ......................................................................................................................... ?

5.Розкрити дужки, поставити дієслова в Pr. Simple, Pr. Continuous, Past Simple або Future Simple.

Look! They ________ (to go) to us.

They________ (to invite) us to play with them, I think.

I ________ (to be) a pupil now.

Last year I________ (to be) a pupil too.

I usually________ (to get up) at 7 o`clock.

I ________ (to get up) at 6 o`clock yesterday.


Прохання, виконуйте в міру своїх можливостей. Не треба на 12, ви розумієте, про що і про кого я... Адекватно...


The History of the London Police

Today there are policemen everywhere but in 1700 London had no policemen at all. A few old men used to protect the city streets at night and they were not paid very much.

About three hundred years ago London was starting to get bigger. The city was very dirty and many people were poor. There were so many thieves who stole money in the streets that people stayed in their homes so much as possible.

In 1750 Henry Fielding started to pay a group of people to stop thieves. They were like policemen and were called ‘Bow Street Runners’ because they were working near Bow street.

Fifty years later there were 120 Bow Runners but London had become very big and needed more policemen. So, in 1829 the first metropolitan (or London) Police Force was started with 3000 officers.

Most of them were working on foot but a few rode horses. Until 1920 all the police in London were men. Today London police are quite well paid and for the few police officers who still ride horses the pay is even better than for the others.

1. In 1700 there were __ .

A. policemen everywhere;

B. policemen only in London;

C. no policemen in London.

2. 300 years ago many people __ .

A. came to London ;

B. wanted to leave London;

C. had big houses in London.

3. The Bow Street Runners __ .

A. stole money;

B. stopped people stealing;

C. paid people to steal.

4. In 1800 there were __ .

A. enough policemen;

B. not enough policemen;

C. too many policemen.

5. Of the first 3000 Metropolitan Policemen __ .

A. all of them rode horses;

B. some of them rode horses;

C. most of them rode horses.

6. Today police officers who work with horses are paid __ .

A. more than their colleagues;

B. the same as their colleagues;

C. half as much as their colleagues.

Write answers to these questions. (скорочено: словами, словосполученнями,

не переписуючи речення)

1. Who protected the streets of London at night in 1700?

2. What was the city like 300 years ago?

3. Why did Londoners stay in their homes as much as possible?

4. Why did Henry Fielding begin to pay a group of people in 1750?

5. How many officers were there in Metropolitan Police Force in 1829?

6. Who is paid better: the policeman who works with horses or who works on foot?


остання к.р. Чекаю попередні, хто не здав.


Аудіювання з англійської мови B1. Підготовка до ЗНО-Listening Exam.mp4