Yutam khazar-arsanian

Yutam khazar-arsanian (на ПРОЗА.РУ)

Also Yatanov settlement.

This was the industrial zone of the city of Arsa, the capital of the legendary Arsania, which is associated with the Yutanov settlement.

The Yutam industrial zone of the ancient city was located on the right side of the Oskol river near the present village of Yutanovka in the Belgorod region.

Starting from the 2nd century after the birth of Christ, Arsania, located at that time between Oskol and Seversky Donets, began to receive the turkic wave of immigrants that the Turkic Khaganate brought with him to Eastern Europe. These settlers were distinguished by the fact that they were able to work with iron, which is reflected in ancient legends about the cult of Asena, preserved not only in khazar legends, but also in Chinese sources that recorded the conflict of Chinese leaders with the ancestors of the khazars. It based on the fact that the khazars refused to teach the chineses metallurgical production.

The yutan period of Arsa's history reveals mainly the khazar period of the city's existence, expressed by the saltov-mayatsk culture, as well as several centuries of the presence of the finno-ugric culture represented by the mordvins.

In khazar times, part of the city complex of Arsa was called Yutam, which means crossing the river, perhaps there was the mouth of an ancient river with a similar name. But most likely, historians and linguists overlook some older meaning of the word based on the root «yutam», leading to the iron case.

During the khazar period, the inhabitants of Arsa were engaged in the production of products based on ferrous metallurgy from local iron ore. It is believed that the technologies used here could not be replicated anywhere else in Europe. It was the largest metallurgical enterprise in Europe in the middle of the 1st millennium after the birth of Christ. They also used technologies for producing iron, which at that time were the most advanced.

The basis of the metallurgical production of the khazars in arsanian Yutam was a raw blast furnace, an aggregate for producing iron through chemical reduction. Yutam raw-making furnace produced high-quality iron, this technology, as well as the iron itself, were unique, and not repeated anywhere else.

A design feature of the Yutama raw-making furnaces was a flask-shaped crucible. Yutam technology involves the manufacture of iron in a closed room that allows you to trade all year round.

The technology of iron production in Yutama combined the cultures of aryan, ancient turkic, ugric and local khazar industries. At the same time, these technologies were differentiated in production depending on the available orders and the technological culture of artisans, which was inherited from generation to generation.

The production of the Yutam metallurgical complex was based on several production zones, each of which employed hundreds of artisan row-making furnaces. In addition to the furnaces, there were also pottery workshops. The industrial zone has completed the whole cycle of iron case.

Industrial zones had defensive fortress walls made of log cages, as it is represented in the ancient russian urban architecture of the same time. When creating fortifications here, as well as in Rus, stone was not used. Although during the construction of guard structures in Khazaria, stone was one of the main building materials. This suggests that the Yutama were not in an edge area of the khazars and that its limits were far from Oskol.

Such large production areas with several hundred furnaces allow us to judge that Arsa had large third-party orders for the production of iron for its subsequent forging by customers.

Here since the 3rd century after Christ, there is a crossing point of several trade-transport routes linking the riverine valley of Oskol with the basins of the Seversky Donets river, with a network of roads in the direction of the Don, as well as with Vorksla, leading its waters to the Dnieper. According to them, the products of the Yutam plant of Arsa got to the world markets.

In the trade of Arsa an active role was played by the merchants of Rus, which had good ties with Europe since the until Ryurik times. The city industrial zone was located on the road, that passed by it from city Quiet Pine to Seversky Donets, along Nezhegoli river and further to the West.
