Bashanta at kalmyks *

Bashanta at kalmyks *

This Kalmyk city was founded by the kalmyk people at the end of the 16th century on the spot where they saw the remains of an ancient structure that seemed to them, eternal wanderers of the steppes, to be a palace, a baeshen, in russian, a tower.

Later, they named the river on the bank of which this fortification stood as Bashanta.

Although there is another explanation for the origin of the name of the city of Bashanat. According to him, the kalmyks named this city after the river, and the place was named Bashanta by the savir-bulgar tribes thousand years before them, related in vocabulary to the kalmyks ancestors.

On the ancient settlement, where the ancient city was located, a layer of culture has been preserved, which archaeologists confidently correlate with the saltov-mayatsk culture, which was carried by the peoples of the Khazarus state.

There are remnants of stone walls that surrounded the fortress, inside which was the Citadel, where the high-level Khazar Khakan headquarters was located. The walls date back to the beginning of the 8th century, when the arab-khazar war broke out, and the fortified turkic settlement arose a century earlier, in the 7th century. Although there are traces of sarmatian presence in the lower cultural layers of the settlement.

The khazars chose a very convenient place to build a fortress in this place, since it was possible to swim along the Bashtan river by river boat to the Yegorlyk river, and from there almost to the mouth of the Don at its confluence with the sea of Azov. Not far from the fortress was a lake full of fish.

People here were engaged in the production of iron weapons, as well as ceramics. The walls of the fortress and the remains of stoves and ceramics show a certain similarity of their structures with the fortress of the right-bank city on the Don, which is opposite Sarkel.

The walls of the fortress were destroyed in the 8th century, apparently as a result of an arab attack. After the end of the war, the khazar nobility did not return to this fortress. The settlement here continued to exist for some time, the places here were convenient for agricultural and fishing.
