Lambat in the Crimea

Lambat in the Crimea (на ПРОЗА.РУ)

L-m-b-t of the Khazar King Joseph.

A city in Crimea mentioned in one of the letters of the Khazarian King Joseph, which is often identified with a settlement near the village of Kiparis, formerly Kuchuk-Lambat and Kuchuk, on the south-eastern coast of Crimea, 12 kilometers from Alushta.

In the 2nd century BC, the greeks set up a lighthouse in an impregnable tower on the site of the future fortress. Then small settlements appear at the lighthouse, which by the beginning of the New Faith are formed into a small town with the name Lambat, from the word «lamp», that is, a lighthouse.

This reference point was used by the huns of the Kingdom of the huns and turks of the Western Turkic Khanate, and sawir-bulgars of the Khazarus state, and the greeks of Byzantium, and Rus of Novgorod and Kiev, the genoese italians, the seljuks from the Ottoman Empire, and rus-slavs of the Russian Empire.

The first fortifications appear here at the beginning of the 7th century, during the rule of the Western Turkic Khaganate. At the beginning of the 8th century, the khazars founded a military fortress on this site, around which several posadas appeared, since a trade route passed by the city, and a port was built near the fortress. This part of the Crimea belonged to the khazars for almost two and a half centuries.

Lambat has been part of the gothic diocese of the Patriarchate of Constantinople since the 8th century. These places were part of the gothic diocese in the early middle ages. At the end of the 8th century, the revolt of John of Gotha against Khazaria begins here.

At the end of the 9th century, this city was an important trade and economic point for the khazars. The khazars in Crimea usually did not create new cities. All the cities on the most important trade and strategic routes in the Crimea were made long before they came here, they only updated and improved them for their military, political and commercial purposes.

In the 10th century, the khazars shared power here with the byzantines. Byzantium itself did not engage in military disassembly in the Crimea, the khazars were more convenient to do this. So Byzantium here was engaged in trade, economy, Khazaria was hired by the Emperors in cases when the world could not solve problems.

Since the middle of the 8th century, a small Jewish community has been present here, which was not noted for anything special during the entire stay in Lambat..

After the fall of Khazaria in 965, part of the jews of jewish and non-jewish origin went to the Crimea, where they settled on Trade routes, including Lambat.

At the time of the Glden Horde, the people who lived here had already forgotten that they lived on the territory of the ancient city. There were two settlements here: Kuchuk-Lambat and Biyuk-Lambat, that is Big and Small Lambat.

At the end of the 14th century, the colony of Lambat was inhabited by genoese who built a small fort on the Plaka cliff.
