Msndr in the North Caucasus

Msndr in the North Caucasus (на ПРОЗА.РУ)

The school of archaeologist and historian Artamonov associates this city with Semender.

This city is mentioned in the Armenian geography, which is a collection of a number of Armenian authors who place the country of the huns or the Kingdom of the huns to the north of Derbent, and in the west, near the Caucasus mountains, the Armenians indicated the main city of the huns in the North Caucasus, Varachan, after which followed the cities of the Kingdom of the huns Chuigars and Msndr

In this part of the texts of Armenian geography, are not talking about Semender, although this city is in this geography, but in a different place.

Since Armenian Geography connects the Msndr with the Kingdom of the huns, its existence should be attributed to the 5th century after the birth of Christ.

Apart from the Armenian geography, the city with this name is not mentioned anywhere.

Other researchers believe that it is necessary to search for the city of the Msndr its own settlement, from those that have already been found in large numbers to the north of Derbent.
