Suvar of Volga Bulgaria

Suvar of Volga Bulgaria (на ПРОЗА.РУ)

Also Suar at savir and chuvash.

The name of the city comes from the word «savir», one of the largest tribal associations, the creators of the khazars, as well as the founders of the city of Suvar itself.

M.Agha claims that the karaites word «suv» means to water, the word «suvar» means to irrigate the land, watering hole. Karaites preserved information that the city of Suvar was located on the Utka river, a tributary of the Volga. This corresponds fairly accurately to the scientific definition of the location of the city of Suvar. Given that the karaites do not keep in their ancestral memory, nothing that is not related to them, we can assume that there was their community in Suvar.

In the first half of the 6th century, the union of savirs and khazars formed a single political and military structure, in which the savirs were the main ones, as evidenced by the historical information known at that time concerning Derbent and its districts. The bulgarian-tatar historical tradition deduces both savir and khazars from the bulgars.

In the 7th century, the Kingdom of the huns in arab and byzantine histories was called the Kingdom of the bulgars, hunno-bulgars. By this time, arab and persian historians attribute the existence of a Kingdom in the north of Derbent, which they called S-u-r, Savir or Suvar, which also covered one of the divisions of the bulgars.

The city of Suvar originally appeared at the beginning of the 7th century as a fortress of the savir tribe, one of the major tribes, natives of the Eastern Predkakazye, who settled in the Kama region and on the Middle Volga. Savirs quickly settled in the new lands, especially since the main elements of the religion and culture of suvar were also characteristic of the bulgarians, khazars and other turks who came here. From their midst stood out major leaders, one of whom founded his city of Suvar on the left bank of the Volga, ninety kilometers south-west of Bilyar.

Starting from the 7th century, the bulgars and suvars mixed with each other for 2 centuries, as well as with the iranian-speaking alans and sarmatians, with the caucasian ethnic groups. This could not but affect the language of communication and appearance of the suvar and bulgars, who acquired the features of europa’s caucasians.

Since the end of the 7th century, the dominant position in the union of the bulgars, khazars and savirs began to be occupied by the khazars, who relied on their tengri religion, which gave them some advantages in systematizing governance in this triple Alliance.

All of them became known as khazars, because the latter were the most numerous of them and occupied a dominant position in the association.

Since the 8th century, historical information is full of the concept of «khazars» in relation to the peoples who lived in the Volga-Oka interfluve, in the foothills of the North Caucasus and in the Kama region.

In the middle of the 8th century, when the arabs ravaged cities and dispersed cattle, the khazar population, alans, bulgars, savirs and khazars began to move from the foothills of the North Caucasus closer to the Don and Volga, where there were wide pastures for cattle and steppes for horses.

Part of the alan tribes followed the bulgars to the Kama region, where the ancestors of the khazar suvar settled even earlier, who already had a small town of Suvar there, which they turned into a large city of Volga Bulgaria by joint efforts with the khazar settlers who arrived.

Here the Don and Azov bulgars began to develop land resources, bringing new skills of arable farming in the North Caucasus to the local agricultural culture.

G.Vernadsky points out that Suvar should be identified with a settlement near the village of Kuznechikha on the bank of the Dry Duck, a tributary of the Volga in Tatarstan, that is, below the Great Bulgar.

In the middle of the 10th century, King Joseph reports that in the North of Khazaria are burtas, bulgars, suvars, erzya, cheremis, vyatichi, northerners, slavs. The suvars are marked as equal to other peoples.

Since the 10th century, Volga Bulgaria has developed cities with fortresses that compete with each other for commodity flows. These are Suvar, Bilyar, Oshel, Bulgar, Zhukotin.

In Suvar developed a wide variety of crafts and trade. Merchants from Iran, Khorezm, Byzantium, Kievan Rus, Itil, and Sarkel traded here.

Around Suvar citi, there are the remains of several dozen villages where people were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding.

At the beginning of the 10th century, according to the arab geographer al-Balkhi, up to 10 thousand citizens lived in Suvar. The Main Cathedral mosque existed here.

From the beginning of the 10th century, the ruler of Suvar, Talib Ibn Ahmad, began to mint the city's coin here. The issue of the suwar coin was continued until 976 by his younger brother Mumin Ibn Ahmad. The issue of its own coin suggests that until the end of the 10th century, Suvar citi was a sovereign Principality, which the chroniclers called the Bulgarian Emirate.

In 965, the Kievan Prince Svyatoslav smashes Khazaria. From this moment on, Bulgaria becomes economically and politically free.

In 1236, Suvar was taken by the hordes of Khan Subedei. All the palaces of the city were burned, and the lords of Suvar were executed. The artisans went to other cities, and no one else returned.

In 1459, the map of Fra-Mauro was published, where the city «Veda-Suar» is indicated next to Cheboksary. It was probably a list from some other, ancient map.
