Gebek-Kala *

Gebek-Kala *

Also The Red Fortress

The city with a fortress appeared at the end of the 10th century after the birth of Christ in the north of the Kumyk plain. The cultural layers in the territory of its posad can be traced back to the middle of the 15th century.

On the plain between Sulak and Terek there were many ancient cities and fortresses, which were written about by arab, byzantine, persian, russian, armenian and georgian chroniclers.

These were developed and filled with artisans cities, towns and towns of the huns and Khazar Khaganate. But even in the Golden Horde period, there were many such settlements on the Kumyk plain.

The ethnic basis of the townspeople was the kipchak-oguz-bulgar conglomerate of clans and tribes that developed in the bowels of the Khazarus state.

The culture of the townspeople was similar to that of other Caucasian mountaineers. The difference is that the kumyks, who have been the mainstay of the local population since the 7th century, participated in military and trade campaigns of the huns, khazars and the Golden Horde in Transcaucasia, which allowed them to be a transmission link in the movement of cultures from south to north, and from east to west.

According to legend, this city was visited in the middle of the 13th century by the traveler and writer Rubruk, who noted in his notes that he had a conversation with the Mongol Khan Mengu in the fortress of Gebek-Kala.

The name of a town with a fortress is translated as Red castle.

Archaeologists attribute the city's heyday to the period when the khans of the Golden Horde ruled here, who supported the local Prince of the Mountains with weapons and gave him the opportunity to participate in campaigns and trade on the territory of the Horde. It is at this time that a castle appears on the territory of the fortress, and the castle has a permanent guard of the Lord of the local Mountains.
