Arcka-Bash *

Arcka-Bash *

Information about this city mostly comes from archaeologists, something is given by myths and legends. As well as historical analysis.

Arkabash fortress stood on a hill, its stone walls up to 3 meters high, formed a regular circle with a diameter of 50 meters. The architectural structure of the fortress and fortifications on the approaches was clearly of the khazar type. From the towers of the fortress, its defenders could survey the surrounding area for several tens of kilometers and respond to dangers in time.

The city of Arkabash was located on the ancient Kumyk trade route, which was used by caravans of the Great Silk Road from the second century before the birth of Christ. The basis of the first fortifications here should be attributed to the reign of the kings of all the kings of the persian Shachinshahs Anushirvan and Kawada in the 6th century after Christ, when possession of the caravan routes was the claim of the young union of the Siberian peoples the Kingdom of the huns.

Within a few decades, the persians were able to build about a hundred new fortresses on the Kumyk plain. According to the Iranian chroniclers, the total number of fortresses was 360, how many days a year. One day, Shahinshah Kawad rode along the entire line of fortresses, stopping at each fortress for one night. It took him one year, day in and day out.

Two decades later, the nobles of these fortresses declared their offspring the shahs of their area, since they claimed kinship with the persian Kings. In this regard, the owners of these towns refused to give their brides and sisters for the Kings of the local Mountains, claiming more important persons.

The city received its name at the end of the 8th century from a new strong ethnic group, the Kumyks, which took shape in the bowels of the Khazarus state, which established its power over the entire Tersk-Sulak interfluve from the 7th century.

As for the naming of the city, the word» arch « among the Kumyks means a mountain, a ridge, a base, and the word «bash» means a head. It Turns Out The Head Of The Mountains. Apparently, at the beginning of the 9th century, this city played an important role in this area of the Kumyk tract.

The settlement, which is associated with this legendary city and its fortress, is located in the arkabash tract of The same name near Khasavyurt in Dagestan. From the very beginning of the khazar city, its population was characterized by a mixed character, but its basis was the Kumyks, the heirs of saviro-bulgars and Avars, later joined by Chechens.

For almost 300 years, the khazar military garrison was stationed in the Arkabash fortress, which was engaged in ensuring the safety of the movement of caravans of the Great Silk Road. The garrison consisted of half of the khazar professional warriors Savir and bulgars, the other half was made up of local mountaineers, pastoralists and farmers.

In addition to the functions of local customs, the Arkabash garrison took part in the military campaigns of the khazar khagans and tsars across the steppes of the North Caucasus, as well as in Transcaucasia in joint actions with Byzantium, with which the khazars had an eternal agreement on mutual support. As a result of these campaigns, which were not only military in nature, but also commercial, when it was necessary to accompany convoys for hundreds of kilometers, a versatile social culture of the Kumyk people was forged.
