Sambat of judeo-khazar

Sambat of judeo-khazar (на ПРОЗА.РУ)

This naming of Kiev is taken by Constantine Porphyrogenitus from jewish sources, which, in a somewhat exaggerated light, present the stay and activities of the jewish-khazar community in Kiev.

In fact, the community of khazars, referred to by them as Samvatas, lived in a small settlement on the edge of Kiev, where the jews were engaged in trade mediation.

In the middle of the 9th century, Kiev was divided into several fortified areas that were not fully integrated into the overall urban infrastructure.

One of these areas with its own Fortress, called Sambat, began to build khazar, byzantine, crimean and even iranian jews in the early 8th century.

At this time, the city became one of the main russian-slavic centers of the early middle Ages, along with Slavia, in the area of present-day Novgorod.

There was a fortified settlement at Sambat, which received many novgorodians, after the arrival of varangians Rus. There were other towns with townships, which in the 9th century were gradually integrated into a single urban structure.

However, even at the beginning of the 10th century, there were three independent townships in Kiev in total for some reason indicated in the chronicles by Kiev. It was a Hill Kuy, Sambath and Podok.

Sambat kept a sort of customs office where goods were bought and re-bought. Here, except for the jews, it was impossible for anyone to understand at that time, so they were taken to them.

In 965, Svyatoslav conquered the Khazarian capital of Itil. All the authorities are leaving Itil, the Jewish communities have moved to Kiev and further to Poland.

By the end of the 10th century, another name for this part of Kiev appears in the Chronicles – Samvatas. In this system, the jews played an important role, organizing an important international trading platform here. This influenced the change in the political system of Kiev, which received a firm reign and unified power.
