Aluston *

Aluston *

According to a legend developed by local researchers, the first permanent settlements in the Crimea appeared during the sarmatian invasion, that is, in the 2nd century.

At the end of the 3rd century, alans, related to both sarmatians and turks, came here. They create their nation Doro with the center in the Aluston. Then this state became known as Theodoro, which belonged to the possession of Byzantium.

In the 6th century, the Emperor Justinian the First built a fortress here, which was called Aluston, which meant the wind walking from the sea and back.

In the 8th century, the city was owned by Khazaria and Byzantium. At the same time, Byzantium provided political protection for Aluston, and the khazars provided physical protection.

In the 10th century, the last King of Khazaria, Joseph, in letters to his Spanish addressees, mentions Aluston as a khazar city. By that time, a significant jewish community had settled here, apparently karaite, which called this city Alus.

After the collapse of the khazars, the city disappears from the field of view of the strategists of that time, it was attacked by the Rus, the pechenegs, the polovtsians. By the end of the 13th century, it was completely decayed.

Only with the arrival of the Genoese, the city was revived, but this was a different story, in a different historical era.
