
Sargysh (на ПРОЗА.РУ)

Also Sarasin Gardizi.

Arab authors have noted that only two parts of the capital of the khazars.

According to Ibn Ruste, one of them is called Sarashen, and the other is called Khabnella.

In Gardizi, one part of this city is named Sargysh, and the second is called Khalyg.

There is a king in the city who is called Ishad by the khazars. In addition to Ishad, there is also the main king whom the khazars call Khazar-Hakan, but there is no one higher than ishad.

Ishad and all his people belong to the religion of the gus-turks, and their Hakan adheres to the jewish religion, like all the nobles.

The Khazars have two large cities in which Ishad and Khakan live in winter, and which they call Sargysh and Khylyg. Ishad leaves for the steppe in the spring.

There are muslims in Sargysh, there are mosques in the city, and there are schools attached to mosques.

Every year in Sargysh Khakan needs to gather the troops to go to the pechenegs, ruses and burtases to take their toll. Khakan brings prisoners and cattle from the campaign. The distribution of taxes and tributes among the troops is handled by Ishad.

When Khakan mounts a horse, ten thousand more riders sit with him. All of them are outfitted in Sargysh and in Khalyg.

The army has soldiers on pay, and the nobles bring their own detachments, which they themselves maintain.

When the Khazars go to war, they leave an army to protect their families and property..
