
Ulok (на ПРОЗА.РУ)

Also, in the late middle ages, Gorodishchenskaya Sloboda.

This fortress is identified with the settlement of Bolshaya Martynovka. The fortress is located on the Ulki mountain between the basins of the Manych river and the Sala river. Not far from the fortress with the posad is now the settlement of Bolshaya Martynovka in the Rostov region.

The archaeological material is mainly represented by items of the saltov-mayatsk culture, which was reproduced here by the Khazarus state from the 8th century. It is known that ceramics were made here from gray-smoothed clay, traditional for the khazars.

The fortress with its handicraft settlements, which together formed a khazar-type city, was located at the fork of the khazar trade route, one branch of which led towards Sarkel on the Don, and the other branch went to the north-west, passing by Ulka to Babskaya ferry and Semikarakor, also a khazar city.

The fortress had underground structures that went to the bank of the Sala river. Apparently this way left the fortress the khazar nobility lodged in it at the time of the scoundrel, when the fortress was surrounded by enemies.

The fortress was destroyed long before the Golden Horde era.
