Burt-As *

Burt-As *

Also Yulov.

This chronicled city of Volga Bulgaria is identified with a settlement on the bank of the river Yulovka of the Suro-Volga basin in the Penza region.

The settlement at this place existed earlier, traces of the Gorodetsky archaeological culture can be traced on the site of the settlement until the 5th century after the birth of Christ, the carriers of which are considered finno-ugric, which at this time included the burtas.

In the 7th century, the cultural influence of the more organized savir-bulgars, who gradually occupied the northern lands of the Burt-as, was noticeable in the surrounding area.

By the end of the 7th century, the entire territory of the Middle Volga region, previously occupied by the burt-aces, is under the political influence of the Khazarus state,which in the 8th century turned into a vassalage.

There is information that the Burt-aces at the beginning of the 8th century put several thousand horsemen in the khazar inspection army to pacify the Volga bulgars. At this time, the entire burt-aces nobility was formed in the area of the future city of Yulova.

City as trading posts in the middle of the 9th century founded the burt-aces, represents, according to ancient authors, a collection of tribes with a dominant participation savir-bulgar union of tribes, called in history as the khazars. Burt-aces lived along the abundant banks of the Middle Volga, where they participated in various social formations, including the creation of cities.

At the end of the 9th century, the commercial city of Burt-As falls into the sphere of political influence of the Khazarus state, since, according to the khazars, its location was also advantageous from the point of view of military-strategic. The khazar military and customs garrison is located here.

The city was mentioned in the 10th century by the arab chronicler Masudi, who claimed that there was a river trade route between the capital of the Khazarus state and Burt-As.

The city of Burt-As under the name of Bur-t, as a khazar possession, is reported to its jewish addressees in Europe by the last King of the khazars, Joseph.

At the same time, it seems that the khans of Volga Bulgaria called this city Yul, and the Khazarian Khagans called it Burt-As.

The main information about the existence of the city is provided by archaeological excavations, the materials of which show that the fundamental culture here was saltov-mayatsk, which was implemented by the Khazarus state.

The city flourished in the 9th century after the birth of Christ, a time when Volga Bulgaria was under the political and economic influence of the khazars.

In 922, the year Volga Bulgaria is visited by the arab Embassy of al Muqtadir. A detailed account of this event was compiled by muqtadir's assistant, the chronicler Ibn Fadlan. He left a lot of information about this trip, where there are a few words about the city of Burt-As.

The khazars held the city until the middle of the 10th century, when the anti-khazar revolts of the burtas and bulgars, which lasted from the very beginning of the 10th century, were supported by Rus. The final turning point in this confrontation occurred in 965 after Svyatoslav's campaign on Itil, and then on the main cities of Volga Bulgaria, where Svyatoslav was greeted as a liberator. The Volga bulgars and burtas finally managed to throw off the vassal yoke and begin to develop independently.

Since the end of the 10th century, the city of Burt-As and all burtases are in trade and military dependence on Rus.

In the second half of the 11th century, the polovtsians came to the Middle Volga region, who squeezed the burtases out of their cities, as well as from Burt-As into the depths of the Volga basin to the northwest, in the upper basin of Sura, Moksha and Tsna.

In the 12th century, russian chronicles mention burtases without connection to their cities. They are considered to be the peoples of the mordvins and cheremis of the finno-ugric culture, who are not inclined to live in cities, but are dependent on Rus.

The name of the city is often derived from the alanian vocabulary, which traces its lineage to indo-iranian, according to which the word «furt» means river or water, and the second root «as» means ass or yass people. Indeed, in addition to the finno-ugric cultural traditions, the burtases have a lot of things from the alan culture, when they were just breaking off from their sarmatian ancestors.

According to the turkic version of the origin of the city's name, later than the sarmatian-alanian version, the burtases were related to the turkic-speaking bulgars in their language. The word «burt», according to this version, should be derived from the turkic vocabulary, where it means a city surrounded by a rampart or carts.

Burtases, according to the cultural remains of their stay in the city of Burt-As, also belonged to the finno-ugric family-tribe, and to the khazars, from which the name of their city is derived as a stopping point.

Nothing is known about the fate of the city after the beginning of the 12th century.
