
Kolakyi (на ПРОЗА.РУ)

Archaeologists identify with this city of the early middle ages a settlement near the village of Pastorskoye in the Cherkasy region.

The first permanent settlement here appears at the end of the 7th century BC, on the left bank of the Sukhoi Tashlyk river, a tributary of the Tyasmina river in the right basin of the Dnieper. After a century and a half, the settlement becomes the main city of the local scythian king named Teresia. The city performs a script function, being an arsenal of cattle breeders in case of war or other troubles.

In the 3rd century, after the arrival of the sarmatians, the need for the maintenance of arsenal cities disappears. New tribes that came to Porosye are more inclined to a sedentary lifestyle.

But now, at the end of the 6th century after the birth of Christ, the ants with the Penkov-Pastyr-Kiev culture come to the ancient scythian-sarmatian settlement.

Archaeologists believe that the ants, according to other sources the Veneti, were ethnically linked with the ross, because in the cultural circulation of the new city from the 7th century with the beginning of the New Faith appear ross household items, which include ross type silver items, repeated in treasures of Porosia, where lived ross and where dew still stood the city, in ancient times called Teresia the scythians and the greeks Apothecium.

The ants usually named their cities after the princely family that ruled at that time and in those places. There are two possible names for this early medieval town in Porosye.

According to one version, the city on the site of the old scythian was put by the last known ruler of the Union of tribes with the ants, headed by Prince Idariziy. This event may have occurred in the first half of the 6th century after the birth of Christ, when the ant-slavic intertribal union was threatened by a more organized and purposeful Avar Khaganate. The city could be called Kolakyi, which meant center, the capital Ante Union.

The city immediately acquired the features of a multi-ethnic one, where representatives of different ethnic groups lived, who left several layers of archaeological cultures on the site, not only of the ant-slavic type, but also of the sarmatian, saltov, goth, and danube bulgar type.

The presence of the sarmatian ethnic element suggests that, despite the centuries-old gap in the life of the city, the ethnic ties of the population of Poros remained, so it can be assumed that the founders of the new city on the old site were aware of the existence of the city on the Sukhoi Tashlyk river. In those days, the myths and legends was more faith than medieval, and present custom-made historians.

The saltov ethnic element speaks of the presence here in later times of representatives of the khazars, who kept their military contingent in the city fortress.

The Danube-Bulgarian cultural layer suggests that the city was a participant in the split of Khazaria into eastern and western parts. The western one was led by Asparukh and Kubrat, who led their bulgarians across the Porosye to the Danube.

Perhaps it was the utigurs who, according to academician Artamonov, stayed in Kolakiye, which made the local widows and girls of correct behavior happy. Some of the Kubrat warriors even decided to stay in the city for a couple of nights, establishing a bulgar-type area with bulgar-hunn burials. According to Nestor, the appearance of the utigur bulgarians destroyed the emerging ante ethnic group, it also suddenly collapsed, as it suddenly appeared.

After the collapse of inter-ethnic Ant Union gradually ceased to exist its major cities, including Kolakyi.
