Doros in Crimea *

Doros in Crimea *

Also Dori, Feodoro, Mangup.

The main city of the Country, Principality, Mountain region of Dori in the Crimean gothic.

The name of the city of Doros is derived from the indo-iranian word «dorant», which in the ancient persian vocabulary meant a Rich Cave country. And the name of the country Dori occurred after the appearance of the fortress on the settlement of Doros, after which Doros was called a city.

The city and its Principality belonged to the Byzantine Commonwealth of Nations, whose fathers recognized the Patriarch of Constantinople as the first Hierarch of the Universal Church, and the Roman Emperor was considered a defender of the faith. One of these States was the Crimean Gothic, or the country of Dori with the main city of Doros.

Artamonov by Dory means the Crimean gothic itself. At one time, Doros was considered the capital of Gothia.

The first mention of the country of the Crimean goths Dori appears during the reign of Justinian the First, whose reign was marked by an extraordinary volume of fortress construction throughout the borders of Byzantium.

Procopius of Caesarea wrote a lot about Dori, saying that there is a country called Dori in the Crimea, which was founded by the goths who refused to go with Theodoric in the conquest of Italy. These goths maintained an alliance with Rome and periodically went out with it on military campaigns, if it was near Gothia.

Before the arrival of the byzantines, the goths did not seek to create fortifications around their settlements, preferring to go to the mountain gorges when approaching enemies and attack them from there, forcing them to leave Gothia.

Justinian the First founded several fortresses in the Principality of Dori, which allowed the goths to abandon the tactics of guerrilla warfare associated with constant migrations, to a more settled life and master the rules of arrangement of their Principality, in which they showed themselves clever.

Scientists mostly understand by the term Dori the country of the goths, and its capital is called Doros. According to one version, the country of Dori was located on a narrow strip of the southern coast of the Crimea. According to another version, which is supported by most researchers, the country of Dori is localized throughout the South-Western Crimea, also believing that the city of Doros is located on the Mangup plateau.

From the middle of the 6th century after the birth of Christ, Byzantium and Crimean Gothia, the country of Dori, were in a vassal alliance with Byzantium. For granting the right to trade in the markets of the Empire, Doros and other cities of the Dori country had to allocate soldiers to fight the enemies of the Empire in the Black Sea region.

At this time, there were already settlements in Gothia with separate shelters, where people hid during troubles.

Here, at the end of the 6th century, Watch and Support fortresses began to be built, such as Mangup-Kale in Doros, Kalamita, Suiren, Bakla, kastellum Sivag-Kermen, Eski-Kermen, Tepe-Kermen. All these fortresses were built with the help of byzantine architects. The task of the garrisons of these fortresses was to control the trade routes in the Crimea, which brought significant revenues to the Byzantine Treasury.

The events of the 7th century bound the khazars to a treaty with Byzantium, on joint political and commercial administration of the Crimea. At the end of the 7th century, the gothic Episcopal see was founded in Doros. An extensive christian church was built here.

In 698, Emperor Justinian fled from Kherson to Crimean Gothia to the fortress of Doros, which was under the protectorate of the khazars. Hence, he sends his ambassador to Kagan Ibusir Glyavan to assist him in returning to his throne. Kagan agrees to help Justinian and passes off his sister for the deposed Emperor, who was baptized during the wedding and received the name Theodoro. The newlyweds settled in the kuban bulgars city of Fanagoria on the Taman Peninsula. Byzantium has since referred to Gotha in its documents as the Principality of Theodoro.

Researchers link the time of the foundation of this city to the fact that the khazars in the Crimea have Mangup as the capital of Gothia. Although from this we can only conclude that Doros, as a city, existed, but it was named from this time as Mangup, after the Mangup plateau, on which, apparently, the ancient Doros stood.

After the submission of the Dori Principality to their influence, the khazars renamed Doros and began to call this city Mangup, although the byzantines continued to call it Doros.

According to Procopius, the Principality Dory, as he called the Crimean Gothia, was in the mountain region of Crimea, where there were more ancient goths, whom the huns in the 4th century after Christ drove from the Black sea region.

It is believed that all the terms with the word Principality in relation to Dori, Feodoro, Mangup, were transferred by the authors from the 13th century to the past, since officially the Principality of Dori, as a political association, was created in the 13th century by one of the Duks on the name Peratiy.

Starting from the 5th century, the goths gradually mixed with the taurus, and from the 6th century, with the help of Byzantium, they built fortified settlements in mountain passes, which helped the crimean goths maintain their independence, and, over time, even create a Principality and state. Among these fortresses, by the beginning of the 7th century, the fortress of Doros stood out, which formed a small town.

Researchers of Crimean antiquities correlate the capital of gothic Doros with the city of Feodoro, so named after the young wife of Justinian the Great, as well as with Mangup of khazar times.

Despite the subordination of Khazaria in the 7th century, the khazar nobility did not interfere in the system of government of the Dori Principality, which retained autonomy, but only in internal affairs. The Prince of the city and fortress Doros dealt with all issues of city management in the Principality of Dori.

In 787, an uprising of the inhabitants of this Principality begins in Gothia, which at that time was under the rule of the khazars. The khazars at this time almost completely took over the city of Doros, depriving it of the right to self-government, which the citizens were proud of and enjoyed from the first days of the foundation of the fortress here and the transformation of a simple settlement into a city.

This circumstance caused the anger of the residents, who were supported by the local nobility, led by the Lord and Bishop of Gothia John. The purpose of the townspeople's speeches was to push the khazars to the north of the country. In addition to the city of Doros itself, the khazars captured all the main passes in the mountains of Gothia.

John turned out to be an intelligent strategist, who managed to regain control of the citizens over the commercial roads of Gothia without much blood.

However, as always, the nobility was corrupt and fell for the promises of the khazarian diplomats. The gothic nobility accused John of making a deal with the khazars, placing the gothic nobility in a position dependent on the Khagan. The revolt was suppressed.

After Byzantium lost political influence over Gotha and the city of Doros, the names of this city began to change depending on who gained control of Doros. In khazar times, the city was called Mangup, in the late Middle ages it was called Feodoro. In the literature, the authors named the city according to their preferences or goals of the work.
