Crimean settlement on the Seversky Donets *

Crimean settlement on the Seversky Donets *

The settlement is named after the village of Krymsk, near which it is located, this is in the Rostov region.

In the annals, this city is still not identified with anything. All information about the city is based on archaeological materials from the Crimean settlement.

The city was built between two small hills, on a common hill on the high right bank of the Dry Donets river. This hilly hill slopes down to the river. Thus, the town had natural protection from all sides. But the whole area was clearly visible from here.

As a city, the settlement manifests itself only in khazar times, at the beginning of the 8th century, although the first permanent sites here are noted from the beginning of centuries. They belonged first to the late sarmatians, then to the alans and huns, followed by the saviro-bulgars with their Khazar Khaganate, retaining the local autochthonous population of the alans, the last keepers of Aryan fairy tales.

The town belonged to the system of fortresses, trade and craft towns and settlements of the middle coast of the Seversky Donets, where at that time there was a trade and military highway connecting the Pridnestrovian regions with the Crimea, where the khazars at that time were present together with Byzantium. The city and its inhabitants for 3 centuries consisted in the system of providing a large khazar military garrison in Semikarakory.

The population of the town was engaged in the manufacture of ceramics, in ways that are traditional for the saltov-mayatsk culture, attributed to the khazars. Part of the trade road that passed through the city was paved with stone. In the city there was a water supply system made of ceramic plates, which supplied water by gravity to homes and workshops. The water came from sources higher up the beam in which he was perched.

Housing in its architectural design was much simpler and poorer in comparison with the Golden town on Aksai. Sociocult residents mostly repeats and Semikarakor, and Gold slides, and other settlements in the district. But there were many Yurt-type dwellings made of glinobit covered with colored clay.

At the city there were several unstable camps of cattle breeders, around there was a rich forest-steppe with a large number of bayraks, with bushes, at the bottom of which there were springs with spring water.

By the end of the 8th century, the population had mastered winemaking, but the containers for storing and transporting wine were imported from the Crimea. There were also pottery stoves, potter's wheels, workshops for gunsmiths, stonecutters, bonecutters, weavers, and ironworkers.

For the khazars, this trade line, which connected the Don with the Crimea, was important, first of all, as a military-strategic one, since at that time the khazars were present in the Crimea under the Treaty of Eternal Peace with Byzantium. As soon as Khazaria collapsed, the road along the Donets river lost its strategic importance, and the commercial part of it was weak, the settlements under it lost the status of cities, the nobles with their families and ministers were no longer present there. Cities and fortresses under them rested in the sweet reed bose.
