Kadar in Kumyk plain *

Kadar in Kumyk plain *

The city was located near the present village of Kadar in the Buinak district of Dagestan.

According to the legends of local elders who keep the centuries-old history of their village in their oral speech, the name of the city comes from the elevated place where the veche gatherings of the local population and nobility were held. There are the Kadar mountains in Siberia. It seems that the name is savirs in the 6th century brought to Dagestan, they are from Siberia.

The city with a fortress appeared in the huns times, who controlled the trade caravans that followed the territory of the Kumyk plain. On the site of the present village, the huns set up a small garrison, enclosing it with walls. After some time, a small settlement was formed here, whose artisans first served the military garrison of the huns, and then served stopped here to rest merchants with caravans.

During the rule of the Khazar Khaganate in the Kumyk plain, the citu of Kadar turned into a flourishing city, which passed into the possession of local kings after the fall of Khazaria in the late 10th century.

In the middle of the 13th century, the Golden Horde came here, who did not destroy the fortresses of the Terek and Sulak valleys. On the contrary, they sent here a significant part of the caravans of the Great Silk Road, which the local garrisons, including the Kadar garrisons, had to accompany throughout the North Caucasus, for which the kadars received payment.

In 1370, the city had problems after the appearance on the political horizon of Central Asia of Tamerlane, who was not a chingisid, and sought to become the ruler of the Golden Horde. Tamerlane made efforts to block the trade routes of the Golden Horde, as a result of this, caravaneers began to prefer other ways to move their goods through the Caucasus to the North and further to Europe.

After 30 years, the sharpest struggle for the Thron of Golden Hord between the chingizid, led by Tokhtamysh and Tamerlane's supporters, spread to the Kumyk plain, which then belonged to the Horde, and brought it a considerable tribute from caravans.

The local nobility of the city of Kadar did not want a new ruler, although they did not really like the old one either. The entire population closed in the fortress, the walls of which were approached by detachments of the army of Tamerlane, who for 2 months of the siege of the fortress, could not take it.

Only with the arrival of Tamerlane was the situation reversed, as he managed to bribe some of the noble citizens who opened the iron gates of the fortress. The battle was fierce, and almost all of Kadar's warriors were killed. In retaliation for the resistance, Tamerlane ordered the fortress to be pulled apart into pebbles and thrown into the gorge.

After Timur's departure, the city could not recover, and besides, the caravaneers stopped passing their caravans by the city. Gradually, an ordinary dagestani village with no claims to international trade appeared next to the former fortress.

The foundations of the fortress wall, defensive ramparts, and dwellings remained here. Most of the cities discovered in Dagestan today were fortified with powerful moats and mud, glinobit or ragged stone walls. Kadar was built in accordance with architectural rules of Kumyk plains, formed during many centuries.
