Dmitrievskoe on the iver Shorter *

Dmitrievskoe on the iver Shorter *

Also Dmitrievskoe settlement.

There is no information about this city in the annals. All information about his life is based on archaeological and historical analysis.

The fortress was built on the right bank of the Koroch river of the Dnieper basin near the present villages of Dobroye and Dmitrievka in the Belgorod region. Its name in the literature of the fortress and the settlement at it received from the village of Dmitrievka.

Materials collected from the Dmitrievskoe settlement indicate that the main culture here was saltov-mayatsk, traditional in these places for the Khazarus state. According to these materials, the city was founded at the end of the 7th century after the birth of Christ.

Previously, this advantageous place from the point of view of inaccessibility to enemies and the view of the entire area, there were settlements of huns, alans, sarmatians, who built their fortified positions here in the first centuries according to the calculation of the New Time.

However, only in the 8th century, after receiving the status of a military-strategic point on the trade route towards the Dnieper cities and further to the Crimea, the settlement receives the status of a city, since a fortress with real stone walls is being built here. Dmitrievskoe is located in the unified system of defensive structures of one of the khazar lines.

This khazar fortress was built on the site of an ancient fortified settlement three thousand years ago on a fifty-meter high promontory of the Korochi river.

The place is surprisingly beautiful. In those days, the whole planet must have been beautiful everywhere you looked. As this fortress was called by the alans, khazars, pechenegs, polovtsians and ancient slavs, history does not tell.

The first inhabitants of the Fortress were the alans, among whom were distinguished soldiers, as they were escorted to the afterlife along with their military equipment.

Since the 8th century, a small military garrison has been serving in the fortress, which serves as a border outpost and customs. The service was carried out proportionally by all ethnic groups that lived here, because service in the army in those days was a privileged business.

But the main component of the warriors were alans, which have been preserved here since sarmatian times. The alans could not only build, but also fight, they were skilled in the craft of weapons, and they were perfectly navigate the terrain, which was replete with countless beams where you could hide and collect water.

This can be judged by the large number of military weapons raised from the burial grounds with armor, a large number of burials of horses with full marching ammunition.

Among the military weapons there are spears and arrows with iron inserts, bows of complex construction, straight khazar sabres and blades, battle axes, leather helmets.

The presence of the alanian component in the khazar army is also known from the correspondence of the Khazar King Joseph with his jewish addressees from Europe.

During the war with the enemy, the fortress could accommodate almost all the citizens. Its area was about 1 hectare, and the walls were 5 meters thick and high. The fortress itself was located on a promontory that towered over the river to a height of 50 meters, which seriously complicated the progress of horsemen to its walls, who had to dismount, but then they became easy prey for the flying khazar horsemen who were guarding the gates of the fortress.

The dwellings were one-meter-deep structures made of chalk stone or logs that were dug into the floor. Inside, there was an open hearth where food was cooked, and it also served to heat the room.

From the beginning of the 10th century, pechenegs appeared in the Dnieper left bank, which began to challenge the trade routes to the Dnieper from the weakening khazars. After several trips here together with Russia, some of the cities are abandoned by the khazars. Several times the pechenegs are trying to take, and Dmitrievskoe. In the middle of the 10th century, the pechenegs captured the fortress several times. In the end, the khazar voivodes leave here as well.

At the fortress there were several villages, from which there was nothing to take, but they did not pose any military threat to the pechenegs and Rus. At the beginning of the 11th century, pechenegs settled here along with Rus, which consisted of soldiers who had fallen behind the army, as can be seen from materials from the corresponding cultural layer.

In the middle of the 12th century, a small polovtsian village was located on the site of the former khazar city. Its inhabitants do not even know what mtan this huge rock that stands on top of the cliff.
