Astil in Khazaria *

Astil in Khazaria *

This was the name given in the church documentation of the Byzantine Church to the city of Itil on the Atil river. According to their tradition, they named the diocese in the capital of Khazaria on the Volga Astil diocese.

In what part of Khazaria the Astil diocese was located, whether it was a separate town with a Cathedral Church and the Astil Department, it is not yet known for certain. But most of the assumptions point to the fact that The Astil Department was located within the capital of the khazars on the Volga Itil, or near it.

In their gloss, which they released around the middle of the 8th century, the Diocese of Astila was part of the Doros Metropolitan area in the Crimea, which also included The Khotsir, Khval, Onogur, Reteg, Hun (and such was), and Tamatarch dioceses.

At the end of the 9th century, after the mission of Constantine to the Crimea, Rus, and Khazaria, this gloss was almost completely repeated by the Byzantine hierarchs.

The Diocese of Astil was created in the ideology of converting the khazars to christianity and it belonged to the Doros Metropolitan area, which was designed to form a system of conversion of the khazar population in all parts of the khazar civilization.

The Archdiocese did not last long. The khazars were in no hurry to convert to christianity. They were waiting for what people would do in Rus, where they would go-to Islam or Christianity. The khazar elite in the 9th century moved to Judaism, but many ordinary subjects of the khazars, by the middle of the 10th century, were baptized into orthodoxy, especially the сrimean ones, who gravitated to Byzantium, and after accepting the сhristianization of Kievan Rus, were drawn to Russia.
