Kahtan in Jidane *

Kahtan in Jidane *

It can also be Haidak, Kaitag and their derivatives.

Masudi noted that in his time, he lived in the first half of the 10th century, the Princes of the land of Haidak were descended from the famous hero of the arabic epic Kahtan the true arab, the ancestor of the kahtanites, all southern arabs. The city of Kahtan was then in the land of Haidak, although the arabs themselves often called the city of Kahtan by the name of its land Haidak.

In Khazaria, such a city was not mentioned by any of the historians. Most likely, this naming was distorted as a result of correspondence and should be looked for among those who have common roots, similar vocalization. One of the assumptions is the city Kaitag, at one time the capital of the country Haitag and Jidan.

Some linguists believe that the name of the city was distorted in multiple literary transfers from one book to another. The word Kakhtan should, in their opinion, go back to the word «kaitag», and then to the word» haptag», even to the words «jidan» and «Dagestan», in which the first word of ancient persian origin «kai» means great, and the second word «tag» means mountain.

Kakhtan, according to indirect data, belonged to the possessions of the Khazaria, its main population was originally the kaitag people, who together with the savirs were called khazars. Since the beginning of the arab-khazar wars, the kaitag people have been fiercely resisting the arabs, never making any deals with Jarrah, Maslama, or Mervan.

Jarrah, having received a refusal to bow down to him from the inhabitants of Kahtan in 721, ordered the commander of his detachment to level all the settlements of the country of Haytag. Arab authors then boasted that many prisoners were taken from Kakhtan and there were a lot of cattle.

In 737 Marwan also did not buy the devotion from the kaitags. They went to the mountains, and Mervan ravaged the whole country of Haytag. His scribes also reported that at that time the Prince named Salifan descended from the clan of true arabs of the kakhtanites.

After the collapse of the Khazar Khaganate, many khazars and savirs who did not want to stay in Rus began a gradual migration to their border territories in Volga Bulgaria and the North Caucasus. This migration lasted almost a century and a half.

In 1064, according to the chronicle of Munajin-Bashi, a turkish author, some khazars numbering 10,000 came to the city of Kakhtan to settle there.

At this time, the state of Khazaria did not exist for 80 years, but the newcomers entered the city and settled there as if at home. The new arrivals mingled peacefully with the locals and soon created the Utsmiystvo of Haidak, which included the city of Kakhtan, which the khazars rebuilt, which they were able to do well.

In the middle of the 11th century, arab writers associated the Principality of Haidak and the khazar city of Kakhtan with Jidan. The modern scientific community is inclined to think that these are the same-root words that have undergone significant changes due to the large number of rewrites from one language to another.

This was the time when the population of the North Caucasus gradually squeezed out the remaining arab garrisons from their territory, whose leaders sought to emphasize their genetic relationship to the great arab clans, one of which was considered the Kakhtan clan and the kakhtanit arab tribe.

This allowed them to seek support from the then weakening Caliphate against the remnants of khazar tribes and communities coming to their ancestral lands from the north. Many researchers believe that the origin of the name of the city of Kakhtan should be found in the arabic vocabulary.

As early as the 10th century, Masudi noted that the Princes of the Haidak country called themselves related to the Kakhtan arab tribe, so they could call their country Kakhtan to please the Caliph.
