
Kudutl (на ПРОЗА.РУ)

The city according to Derbent-name was located somewhere in the gorge of Tsanta, now this place is called Nikki miir.

Since the 8th century, the city belongs to the Irhan region. The Hakan of this region sends his soldiers to Kudutl if he is threatened by enemies, and for this the townspeople pay a tribute of 100 sheep.

The town was small, located right on the bank of a stormy river, which protected its inhabitants from attacks from the other bank.

In the early 8th century, when the arabs tried to subdue all the cities of the Great Silk Road, which included Kudutl, a detachment of arabs, who came under the walls of the fortress was repulsed, because the khazar garrison from Ir Khan came to the rescue.

Then the arabs blocked the river and its waters flooded the entire city with its inhabitants in just one night.

Was not able muslims to subjugate the inhabitants of Kudutl. After the departure of the arabs from these places and the return of the khazars, the relatives of the townspeople who remained in Irkhan returned to the old place, but considered it unfortunate, so they moved the new city higher up to the gorge, where there was a lot of good hunting.
