
Therkalite (на ПРОЗА.РУ)

Also Tyumen, Tuyk.

The first fortification here appears in the late Scythian era, at the end of the 1st century after the birth of Christ, when the sarmatians often came here and, after them, the first alans appeared. These were the last flashes of the tribes migration of the tribs indo-iranian language.

At the beginning of the 6th century after the birth of Christ, the turkic tribes, the heirs of the then disintegrating Kingdom of the huns, whose socio-culture had a different origin than the scythian-sarmatian and persian. To protect their Kingdom from the huns, the persian Kings Anushirvan and Kavad build a whole system of fortresses throughout the Kumyk plain to the shores of the Caspian sea, to the Chor Gate. Persian chroniclers report that during the reign of Kavad, 360 fortresses were built along the entire length of this plane.

The fortresses and artisan settlements that arose under them served the task of ensuring the security of trade caravans moving between Persia and the Dnieper, and they were also supposed to provide military and strategic depth of maneuvers for the persian army during the wars in the Eastern Caucasus.

Starting from the 7th century, the persian shahinshahs were forced out of the Kumyk plain by the khazar khagans, who carried out fortifications in almost all the fortresses. Now the trade caravans of the Great Silk Road could move, without fear of anyone, throughout the territory of the Khaganate.

At this time, in the very depths of the Khazarus state, a new ethnic core is being formed, implicated in local autochthonous mountain tribes with the Saviro-Bulgaro-Oguz conglomerate of tribes brought in by the Khazar storm. This kernel got the name of the kumyks.

From the very beginning of the foundation of the first fortress, people of different ethnicities lived in the city. They were scythians, sauromats, savirs, bulgars, iranians, slavs, but all of them were wound in layers on the central axis, which was made up of a local ethnic association of kumyks, dargins and lakz.

The name of the city could get from the self-name dargs, which could mean a strong union or a strong place.

According to the legends of local elders, after the khazars, at the end of the 10th century, people from Upper Rus sailed here on ships and boats, who for some time subdued the fortress. However, after some time, Rus was completely assimilated by the kumyks, who were more adapted to local conditions.

For two and a half centuries the fortress Therkalite stood empty. There were no caravans here. Near the fortress there was a small village of residents who kept the old times, who still called their elders shamkhals. With the advent of the Golden Horde power here, life in the settlement bloomed with new colors of the rainbow, but the level of the city of the khazar era Terkalite never reaches.
