Parthenite of the southern Crimea

Parthenite of the southern Crimea (на ПРОЗА.РУ)

The city was located in the Parthenite valley. This place has been inhabited since the paleolithic period, when, approximately 12 thousand years ago, people lived here hunting and herb gatherers.

At the end of the 1st Millennium, the valley was inhabited by the tauri of the Indo-European language community, which, with some reservations, belongs to the log culture, well known to the first slavs.

The greeks of ancient times avoided this valley with access to the sea and did not give it their policy. Although, according to the legendary information of greek mythology and ancient epic literature, here, in the Parthenite valley, there was a city with a temple built by the greeks, which was dedicated to the taurus goddess Virgo in Greek as Partheit.

Closer to the 3rd century BC, the Parthenite valley, inhabited by scythians and local farmers, is under the rule of the Bosporan Kingdom.

In the middle of the 3rd century of the New Faith, the goths entered here, marked by pagan monuments in the form of their shrines.

Since the 6th century, Crimea has been in the zone of influence of Byzantium, which puts a lot of effort into the construction of temples throughout the southern coast of the Peninsula.

By the beginning of the 7th century, Parthenite was a trade and craft settlement that was concentrated at the mouth of the Parthenitka river, but spread along the entire bank of the Parthenit valley.

Since the middle of the 7th century, jews who were persecuted from Byzantium have appeared here. They had their own cemetery, where stones with jewish inscriptions are still preserved.

At the beginning of the 8th century, Parthenit was supposedly the seat of the gothic diocese of Constantinople. According to legend, the future Bishop John of Gotha was born in Parthenit, who raised the anti-khazar revolt.

By the end of the 8th century, Byzantium cedes power over Parthenite to the Khazar Khaganate, which in the khazar-jewish correspondence of the second half of the 10th century is designated as B-r-t-nit.

At the end of the 10th century, as a result of the campaigns of Svyatoslav and Vladimir on Khazaria, the Khaganate fell, and Parthenit again fell under the rule of Byzantium. At this time, a large basilica appears here in Parthenite.

At the beginning of the 11th century, the city was well landscaped. He had a palace, there were public baths, two markets, sewerage and water supply were connected to the houses of the nobility. Everywhere was dominated by Byzantine forms.

The townspeople are engaged in crafts, trade in salted fish, vegetables and fruits. Among the cities of the byzantine era, Parthenite was considered a small but flourishing town, at the pier of which there were rich ships.

At the beginning of the 13th century, Subedei literally bursts into the Crimea, walking with fire and sword through the rebellious Crimea. However, the destruction of the Mongol period in the city archaeologists do not find, the trouble passed by. Apparently, the Parthenite nobility was able to negotiate with the khans of the Horde to pay tribute. Parthenite pays tribute to the Golden Horde until the middle of the 14th century.

In the 14th century, the place of Byzantium in Parthenite was occupied by Genoese merchants. The Golden Horde cedes the southern coast of the Crimea from Sudak to Balaklava to Genoa, after which this territory became known as the captaincy of Gothia, consisting of four consulates, one of which was the city of Parthenite.

At the same time, a small Fortress of Consul Partenit appeared on Cape Kale-Poti with a fortress wall around it appears. A lighthouse with fortifications is being built nearby. Parthenite becomes a full-fledged international trade center of the Captain's gothic.

In the fourth quarter of the 15th century, the city came under the control of the turks. Apparently, after the departure of the genoese, the city was left without patronage, anarchy reigned in it, many houses were abandoned, and archaeologists record many fires on the ancient settlement of this timelessness.

But within a few years, by the end of the 15th century, the city was completely rebuilt, trade almost did not change its essence, only pottery was added to its crafts. A muslim population is emerging.

At the beginning of the 16th century, the national movement of the crimean tatars begins in Crimea, the power of the Crimean khanate is formed, which is not interested in the development of the city. Girei khans prefer to raids for loot outside the Crimea.

At the same time, with the departure of the greeks, Parthenite finally lost the functions of a city, becoming a small village.
