Barish in Itil *

Barish in Itil *

Arab authors note only two parts of the khazar capital, Itil.

Ibn Ruste calls one part of the capital of Khazaria Sarashen in the reading of Khvolson, and the other is called Habnella.

Gardizi calls one part of this city Sargysh in the reading of Barthold, and the other part is also referred to as Khalyg.

Al-Bakri one part of the Itil calls as Barish and the other calls as Htslg.

Ibn Khordadbeh the second part of the Itil calls Hemlig.

Artamonov all parts цшер their variants of names and naming is related to one of toponymic source, Itil. Correct names Artamonov, Jakubowski and Minorsky call Sarashin (Barish from al Bakri), and Khanbalik.

None of the writers gives the general name of the khazar capital.

The name Barish is connected by a logical bridge with profit, economy, which implies its location on the eastern bank of the Itil, where trade traditionally took place, the bazaar was located and where the main part of artisans lived.
