Osenev yass-polovtsian

Osenev yass-polovtsian (на ПРОЗА.РУ)

Also Asenew, Sharukan. This city also had names that were given to it earlier by the huns, and then by the khazars.

Before the arrival of the polovtsians, there was a khazar fortification somewhere near the mouth of the Seversky Donets at the confluence of this river with the Donets.

According to other sources, the city was located on the Lopan river, in the Kharkiv region.

In the area of the city of Chuguev there is an ancient settlement with elements of an ancient city, it is on the right bank of the Seversky Donets.

Local researchers prove that Osenev stood in Kharkiv itself, where there is a settlement of the beginning of the 10th century.

They also offer the option of finding the city on the hillfort near the village of Rogan.

Ten kilometers from Kharkiv there is a Donetsk settlement of the polovtsian culture, which archaeologists refer to the Osenev chronicle.

On all the above-mentioned settlements there are traces of a large number of yurts on the periphery of the settlement.

The main inhabitants of the city were mostly settled yass, who since the sarmatian and scythian times did not accept anyone infringing on their right to their clan and family.

In the annals, these yass are often called alans, who founded this city together with the khazars, naming it after Ashina, the ancestor of the khazars. Lived here settled tribes, mostly alans and rus-slavs and related to tribes of pastoralists who lead a nomadic lifestyle came here for the winter.

For some time, the khazars and polovtsians owned the city together, but then the khazars disappeared from the historical ladder of times. Maybe they stayed there, but they called them something else.

Historians believe that the city is named after the polovtsian Khan Osenev, who led the polovtsian army in the middle of the 11th century, but this name was only circulated among the polovtsians themselves, as well as the passing people, and the Black Hoods. They reported information about a new threat in the southern borders of Kievan Rus.

Khan Osenev is associated with Asena, the ancestor of the khazar khagans, who was remembered and revered among the steppe people. On this basis, some researchers believe that the polovtsians are the genetic heirs of the khazars, after removing the shackles of kabbalah and judaism from the khazars.

The city under the name Osenev entered the Russian chronicle only at the beginning of the 12th century, when trade and military-political contacts began between the polovtsian nobility and the Russian Princes.

In 1108, Monomakh marries his son, the future Yuri Dolgoruky, to the granddaughter of Khan Osen. According to other sources, it was the Princess of Yass. Since then, this city has often appeared in chronicles and historical references.

In 1110, the city was taken by the Grand Duke Svyatopolk-Mikhail, who came here at the call of the russian-slavic population of the city to resolve disputes about the rules of trade and hunting.

The chronicle reported that Monomakh came later and took some polovtsian city, which was called Surucanu.

After the capture of the city of Osenev by Monomakh in the early 12th century, the Tmutorokan Principality also fell, which always relied on the support of the polovtsian khans in the struggle for the princely table in Kiev.

Historians have not fully decided whether it was one city under different names, or in the first Svyatopolk-Mikhail destroyed Osenev, and in the second it was another camp of the polovtsian Khan.

Anyway, the city existed until the 13th century, when the Mongols came here. Polovtsi continued to live in Khazar cities, villages and houses, because they never left there. Among them, by the beginning of the 12th century, there were many christians, there were many alan artisans, runaway russo-slavs.

Not wishing to submit to the Mongol khans, the settled part of the city moved closer to Kiev, and the nomadic part went beyond the Don, closer to the Caucasus range.

Interestingly, the ossetians in the 20th century called the balkars osenev, and the balkars call themselves the ancient alans.
