
Sakov (на ПРОЗА.РУ)

This city has left almost no historical information, except for myths and legends. Presumably, it was part of the defense of the Dnieper left-bank possessions of Kievan Rus and in the middle of the 12th century, according to medieval chroniclers, was considered the center of the western Dnieper region of the Kiev Principality.

Now this city is most often identified with the ancient russian settlement near the villages of Salkovo and Staroe. Here you can trace the cultural activities of people that go back thousands of years in the depths of history.

According to one version, the city got its name from the ancient method of fishing with saks, large nets.

According to another version, the name of the city comes from the most ancient times, when the scythian saks ruled here, who had their own places of worship in these places, where they performed their rites.

One of the modern assumptions proves that the genetic basis of the scythians was the saks, an iranian-speaking tribe, and Scythia was a profitable political and military organization that united its members and made them all invincible to neighboring peoples.

In the area where the city of Sakov is located, since the 5th century before the birth of Christ, various branches of tribes that belonged to Scythia and then to the Slavic world gathered to exchange views on the fate of their Country, settle disputes, conclude new military alliances or terminate old ones.

Here in 861, one of the meetings of Rurik with the Ilmen ambassadors, who called him to Reign in their merchant Republic, took place.

Since the beginning of the 11th century, after the destruction of the Khazar Khaganate, part of the urban artisan population of Khazaria moved to the left bank of the Dnieper, forming the Union of Black Hoods, whose territory also covered the district of Sakov, which belonged to the network of cities of the Union of Black Hoods, and where turkic-speaking residents were already present. They already produced products that were in demand in Rus. Gradually, they lost their customs, language, and religion.

Turkish-speaking black Klobuk warriors also served in the Sakov army, who were either in the fortress of the city or in its vicinity, as necessary, advancing as part of the Princely army to war on the instructions of the Princes.

But by its nature, the architectural structure of fortifications and the structure of the posad, the city belonged to the ancient Russian culture.

Here in 1101, the Sakovsky Congress of Russian Princes Svyatopolk-II Izyaslavovich, Vladimir Monomakh, Oleg Svyatoslavovich and Yaroslav Svyatoslavvovich concluded the Sakovsky Peace with the polovtsian inoberezhan khans.

Sakov at that time stood on the border between the Kiev and Pereyaslav lands, why, in its vicinity, there were clashes between the Princes for the princely throne, then the steppe inhabitants came here for food.

The polovtsians, who called themselves kipchaks, that is, a small part of the saks, small saks, this place where the city Sakov stood, was well known, since their ancestors concluded important agreements and alliances here, when they, along with other branches of the saks, were in a single Scythian Union. The khans believed that the agreement concluded at Sakov should bring their Union good luck.

However, Sakov did not become happy for small saks. Russian Princes in 2 years conclude the Dolob peace among themselves, directing their forces against the kipchaks. The peace of the Sakov was dissolved and since then the small saks in the wars with Rus were only waiting for defeats.

In 1142, the brothers of the Great Kievan Prince Vsevolod tried to expel Vyacheslav Vladimirovich from Pereyaslavl. To help him, Vsevolod sent Lazor Sakovsky, the voivode of the city of Sakov, who came with the pechenegs and the black klobuk warriors.

Here, near the town of Sakov in 1150, Rostislav, the son of Yuri Dolgoruky, and Mstislav clashed for the Kievan throne.
