Balaklava in Crimea *

Balaklava in Crimea *

Also Telepole, Palash, Lamos, of Cembalo etc.

King Joseph of the khazars, in his letters to the jews in Spain, called this city Burk, as one of the 11 cities that belonged to the khazars in the 10th century and were located in the Crimea.

The disappeared ancient city of Crimea near Sevastopol. Only the name of the Crimean resort remains, although until 1957 this place was called a city. Nearby is cape Aya, the Black sea abutting.

Geological passions raged here millions of years ago. The Fiolent volcano breathed, spewing lava flows into the valley. There were huge trees with huge trunks, interspersed with dense ferns and araucarias. They are now found by archaeologists in layers of compressed clay in river deltas. In the late Jurassic, this was the Tethys ocean.

After the retreat of water and a number of geological disasters, the Balaklava Bay appeared here, which cut through stone cacti made of marble-like limestones. Now it is a small break in the rocks 400 meters wide, 35 meters deep, which weirdly loops at a distance of 7 km. in the redevelopment of the coastal zone. Because of the breaks in the Bay, the water is always calm.

Not far from Balaklava, archaeologists found a cromagnon site in a cave. Approximately 40 thousand years ago.

In the same place, in the area of Balaklava, there are remains of the taurus dolmens. The taurus cults include the ritual eating of people of an enemy tribe, which Homer described in his epic work.

The greeks really began to arrive here in the 7th century BC. The greeks were a kind of cossacks of antiquity, they were attracted by discoveries, they reveled in new stories. One such terrible story they experienced repeatedly when they visited the Balaklava Bay, when the greeks, drawn by the fires of the cannibal brands on the shore, turned to the light of the fires in the dark, hoping to find a shelter for the night. But, passing through a narrow bay, they were attacked by the taurians. Their ships were sunk, the merchants themselves were caught and sold for food at the Balaklava market, which was then called Telepila.

The current name of Balaklava is derived from the turkish word meaning fish bag, catch or from the local crimean tatar dialect meaning fish wind, fish weather. But a more voluminous concept of this term is given by its decoding from indo-aryan, which was spoken by the taurians, this is a broadsword, a flat place with people.

In ancient times, there lived a taurus king, who was called Palak. From it, the name of the town could go, which in its name was also combined with the fact that there were a lot of fish that were sold in the town since ancient times.

You can also link the name of the city with a dwelling, a place where a lot of fish, balyk.

This place in the Odyssey is mentioned by Homer under the name of Lamos, as the city of the lestrigons, of unknown origin. Homer knew the name of the ruler of the lestrigons, it was king Antiphat. Near the bay, now we know it as Balaklava, was a settlement of Telepyl. The lestrigons were engaged in cattle breeding: during the day they grazed white-furred rams, and at night they drove bow-legged bulls to the same pastures. This Antifat was a cannibal, his daughter was a Giantess.

If a ship wandered into the bay, then Antiphat ordered the lestrigons to climb the mountain above the bay and drop huge stones prepared in advance on the ship. Shipwrights jumped into the water in fear, where they were caught by lestrigons, immediately strung on stakes and so, still alive, carried to the Telepil. They were butchered, fried and sold there, and then there were buyers for a raw shipbuilder.

Indeed, according to the research of archaeologists, before the first century AD, there was a small village of tauri, who were engaged in cattle breeding, but also fished. Scythians also came here.

In the 1st century, the romans came, as reported by Strabo. The Romans were looking for a favorable place to establish a military settlement. The Bay was quite suitable for them, but along its rocks there were robbers who constantly attacked the Roman one-pair moners with goods. Around 60 ad, the commander of the Roman legions, Silvanus, defeated the combined forces of the taurians and scythians. On the territory of Balaklava and its surroundings, Roman orders are introduced.

The romans build a lot of stone buildings, introduce administration, issue a settlement coin. A Temple To Jupiter Appears. Along with the romans, greek traders came here. But in the middle of the 4th century, Rome leaves here because of the influx of huns. All the settlements were deserted.

At the beginning of the 7th century, archaeologists recorded the appearance of the byzantines on the territory of Balaklava, which was marked by the emergence of a settlement of the byzantine type Yamboli or Simboli. So the byzantines called Balashikha. A hundred years later, Justinian II was hiding here from the people's wrath.

The town under this name lasted until the middle of the 14th century, almost a thousand years, which is significant for these places in itself. At this time, genoese merchants frequented the area. However, immediately after them, Balaklava was captured by the tatars. Nevertheless, they somehow agreed, and from the end of the 14th century, the genoese took possession of significant territories of the Crimea from Alushta to Balaklava.

In 1380, the genoese fortress of Cembalo appeared here. This territory was called the captaincy of Gothia.

However, the territory of Balaklava was not inhabited by genoese. By that time, a mixed population had settled here, not at all related to the genoese. They expelled the foreigners and sold the town to Alexey, a rich greek, for possession. He also bought of Theodoro. However, Genoa militarily regained control of the city. At the same time, according to the agreement, the entire Crimea remained under the control of Genoa, but it recognized Khan Haji Gerai as the owner of the Crimea.

Afanasy Nikitin, walking across the three seas, visited these places in 1474. The following year, the Ottomans captured Crimea.

After 1495, the turks gave the final name to the city of Balyk-Yuv (Fish nest). The fortress in the city was an elite one, where Crimean khans who were guilty before the turkish sultans fasted.

And in 1624 Balaklava was captured by Zaporozhye cossacks. They came on three hundred plows with the Don number of 10 thousand.

Balaklava is also known for the fact that in 1773 in its bay the Russian fleet won its first victory over the turks. In the same year for the first time the Crimean khanate gained independence under the protectorate of Russia. Balaklava was occupied by cossacks. The first Russian port in Crimea was established here.

Catherine the Great settled in Balaklava greek detachment of hired men, which even land in perpetuity allocated. Catherine once visited Balaklava, and was greeted by both the greeks and the amazonian army, specially created for this occasion by Potemkin.

Alexander the First and Nicholas the First have been here.

Despite the presence of military garrisons, customs, and other administrative units in Balaklava, the town did not become a powerful shopping center. In the early 19th century, it was a small settlement with a single street and three hundred houses.

During the Crimean war, the british army and navy were based in Balaklava. The British built the first embankment in Balaklava from planks, made water supply and roads. And in 1855 they built a railway here. After the war, the turks bought the railway for spare parts and took it to Istanbul.

After the war, Balaclava could not be revived. It became a small town belonging to the Yalta district. Only at the end of the 19th century, the revival begins due to the development of resorts here. Especially the resort area began to develop after the foundation of Livadia as a Royal dacha. The population increased to 4 thousand people.

Before the First world war, a whole group of fort-type fortifications was built in Balaklava. After the Brest peace, Balaklava fell into the zone of German occupation, and after the Germans, it was occupied by the French. In 1920, the power of the Soviets was established in Balaklava.

In the Balaklava bay in 1924, they searched for the sunken English ship Black Prince, according to legend with gold. The EPRON division was created there for this purpose (Special purpose underwater work expedition), on the basis of which the first diving courses in the USSR were opened.

The Germans captured Balaklava only in mid-1942. And in 1944, as a result of the Crimean operation, Balaklava was liberated.

In 1953 there was an underground factory for submarines. After the collapse of the USSR, the plant was abandoned as unnecessary, and Russia moved its last submarine from here in 1994.
