Great Perevoz to the Don *

Great Perevoz to the Don *

The city that stood at the Bab crossing, which Herberstein was called the Great transportation or Greet Perevoz on russian transcription. There are remnants of thick walls and towers with them made of white limestone on lime mortar. Here, scientists even found fragments of limestone cement and pieces of baked bricks of good quality.

There were several walls, but one of them ran along the bank of the Don, and in the wall were built towers for archers and watchers. Behind the wall stood the artisans, who lived that cooked ceramics, bricks, mortar.

This fortified point with the name «city» was marked on Mercator's map, which he issued in 1595.

According to the map, Greet Perevoz was located on the left bank of the Don river upstream from the city of Ahaz, approximately where Sarkel was previously located.

Starting from the 7th century, when the Khazar Khagan was firmly established here, one of the northern branches of the Great Silk Road ran here, which was much shorter than the southern section. Caravans went through Derbent to the Tana-Azov, Aksay, Great broad and Tsimla.

At the Greet Frod, as Herberstein called the Bab Ford, merchants stopped because it was a small town with supplies and seating yard. In addition, there was no crossing over the Don from april to june, there were strong spills. Although experienced caravan were transported and into the boat.

Lexicologists sometimes prefer to take the name of the Bab Crossing across the Don from the word «bab», which means path, gate, passage. The word goes back to Biblical times, when Babylon, meant the Great Gate. The word is found in the chaldean texts, from them moved to the arabs.

The customs officers of Akas took the fee for passing along the Great Ford, and further there was the fiefdom of Sarkel.
