
Osmanurt (на ПРОЗА.РУ)

The city is known only from archaeological data. Nothing has been found anywhere in the Chronicles about what it was called yet. There were no professional excavations at the site.

Ancient city on the spot Osmanurt settlement belonged to the era of domination of the khazars here. The city was located right on the coastal terrace of Aksay river, opposite the village Osmanurt in Dagestan.

The area of urban settlements in the 9th century, when the city reached its heyday, reached 6 hectares.

The city was founded in the early 8th century and, apparently, participated in the arab-khazar war for possession of the Kumyk trade route, which was one of the extensions of the Great Silk Road.

Visual assessment of the exposed cultural layers allows us to confidently judge that the population of the city was mainly of the suvar-bulgar type of the saltov culture on the Kumyk platform of the Tersko-Sulak interfluve.

The first settlements here may have appeared at the beginning of the first century after the birth of Christ, when the persians were puzzled by the construction of cities and fortresses to ensure the safety of the passage of caravans here.

With the beginning of the arab-persian wars, the persian influence on the Great Trade Route is weakened, and various Turkic khaganates, and eventually the Khazarus state, gain control over it. At the beginning of the 8th century, they built a small fortress here, where they placed a military garrison of local mountaineers.

In the mid-8th century, after the end of the war with the arabs, the khazars regained control of a huge network of cities, towns and fortresses, along the entire Trade Route, which lasted until the end of the 10th century, when the Khazaria fell.

The stratigraphy does not show any cultural layers above the 10th century. Apparently, after the removal of the military presence, the townspeople considered this place cursed and preferred to settle in the more protected cities and settlements of the district.
