
Moshaic (на ПРОЗА.РУ)

City on Moshaic settlement known only by the materials of archaeological research. The settlement was uncovered near the village Moshaic on the outskirts of Astrakhan. The city stood on the banks of the Bolda River, which branches off from the Volga, in fact, being the Volga.

The city belonged to the late era of the Khazarus state of the late 9th century, and later to the cities of the Golden Horde of the 14th century.

The first settlements appear here at the beginning of the first Millennium. They had primitive defensive structures. Only in the khazar era did khazar architects build a fortress here, the walls of which were laid out of mud bricks. Urban settlements descended the slope to the river, where they spread along the bank for almost a kilometer.

There is a version that after Svyatoslav captured Itil, the Prince moved some of the russian orthodox builders from there to a new place, namely Moshaic.

The territory of the city spread over an area of more than 200 hectares, which is at the level of the leading cities of medieval Europe.

It seems that on the site of Astrakhan once really stood an urban metropolis, which flourished in the 9th century.

The basis of the material raised from the settlement, for all its heterogeneity, are cultural remnants of the saltov type, usually attributed to the Khazarus state, which was carried by the local oguz and the bulgars dominating here. Above this cultural layer there is a gap lasting two centuries, which is closed by the ordyn-kazakh layer.

Researchers compare the materials of the khazar period with the archeology of finds at the Samosdelsky settlement, dating from the end of the 9th century, the late Khazar Khaganate.
