Iraq-Dadian on the Kumyk plain *

Iraq-Dadian on the Kumyk plain *

Also Tatartup, Dedyakov, Khasab.

The settlement with the ruins of the ancient city in Kabardino-Balkaria attributed to Iraq-Dadian.

Once this city was the main city of the persian governors on the Kumyk plain, when the Shahinshakhs Anushirvan and Kavad built defensive fortifications here against the penetration of the huns.

To encourage the local kings of the Mountains, they were given the authority of padishahs and shaukhals to ensure the safe movement of trade caravans of the Great Silk Road along the Kumyk plain.

Archaeological materials recovered from the site indicate that there were buildings that can be attributed to the first centuries after the birth of Christ.

The Tersk-Sulak interfluve, where the city belongs, is characterized by a mild foothill climate, which made it possible for the local population to graze cattle here all year round. Residents of the city and surrounding villages were engaged in agriculture, fishing, viticulture, and animal husbandry.

Artisans of the city have always been famous for the production of weapons, since the city had a military garrison for several centuries.

The main peoples here before the arrival of the huns and khazars were the highlanders, from which it is difficult to distinguish a special tribe. Since the 7th century after the birth of Christ, the core of a local autochthonous tribe was formed on the Kumyk platform in the depths of Khazaria, the ethnic basis of which was the kumyks, who later added the kipchak-oguz-bulgar conglomerate of clans and tribes.

Kumyks have always been in authority among the mountaineers, they formed the basis of the military garrisons of a unified system of cities along the caravan route through the Kumyk plain. Their khagans, khans and shamkhals, as a rule, were the basis of military and trade campaigns of the eastern highlanders to the Transcaucasian region. From these campaigns, the kumyks brought new cultural trends to their cities, which they borrowed from the slavic, turanian, and aryan tribes, being cultural guides from Asia through the Eastern Caucasus to Europe.

On the ethnic territory of the kumyk people there were many ancient cities and fortresses that arose many centuries before the formation of the kumyk ethnic core, which the kumyks settled in the huns, khazars, arab and persian times.

The fortress walls and foundations of dwellings were made of glinobit blocks or torn stone.

The city continued to perform its function of controlling the trade road during the Khazar Khaganate and during the rule of the Golden Horde. Only after the collapse of the Khazaria with the arrival of Tamerlane, all connections between the cities of the Tersko-Sulak interfluve were destroyed.

Each owner of the fortress began to declare himself a local king and take an additional fee with the caravan driver. Gradually, the tracing of caravan routes changed, some cities dried up with artisans, military and customs garrisons left, and cities were depopulated.
