Khazar in Khorezm

Khazar in Khorezm (на ПРОЗА.РУ)

Also Al-Khazar

Such a city is mentioned by the khorezmian scholar al-Khorezmi, who wrote his chronicles in the middle of the 9th century. He placed it in the south of the Caspian sea to the east of Khorezm. Considering that he witnessed the historical events of the time he wrote about, historians respect his message.

He located this city in Inner Scythia somewhere near Khorezm and not far from the Syr Darya, south of present-day Tashkent. Some researchers suggest that it was the Karadarya river, which was called also as al-Khazar, the Khazar river.

This was a time of intense trade and political interaction between Khazaria and Khorezm. The khazars at this time penetrated into the very heart of Central Asia, moving along the Great Silk Road to its sources.

So it is quite likely that the khazar merchant trading post, called Al-Khazar by early authors, appeared near Kyat, which served as an intermediate point on the Great Silk Road, where khazar merchants could stop and rest.

Meeting many khwarezmians on their way, including the inquisitive al-Khwarezmi, the khazars, perhaps in an exaggerated version, told about their city in this country. Considering that most of the khazar merchants consisted of jews who were close to the Khazar Kings, then their praise of this trading post near Kyat is understandable, and it was important for them to attract the attention of the Khwarezmian nobility.

This praise was later reflected in the khazar correspondence between King Joseph and his Jewish addressees in 10th-century Europe.

Later, after the fall of Khazaria, this trading post city was gradually inhabited by local peoples. Perhaps the village of Khazar in Uzbekistan is a descendant of the city of al-Khazar in Khorezm.
