Bor-aul fortress *

Bor-aul fortress *

This city with a strong fortress is associated with a settlement a kilometer from Bor-aul in Northern Dagestan on the territory of the modern city of Buinaksk. Kutans here are called parking the shepherds in the winter, sakuta in Russian.

The main information about this city was obtained as a result of archaeological excavations. There are no direct references to this city in the chronologies. The social culture of this city and its role in the history of the Kingdom of the huns, the Western Turkic Khaganate, and the khazars can be judged on the basis of archaeological and historical analysis.

The first fortifications appear in the era of the rule of the persian Kingdom, which relied on the remnants of the sarmatian population, the last aryans in these places. In the 6th century, during the reigns of Anushirvan and Kavad, a fortified point was created here, which is part of a one system of fortifications and fortresses on the ancient route of the Great Silk Road, which existed here from the 2nd century before the birth of Christ.

The fortress was placed on a hill, from where the walls of the fortress had a view of several tens of kilometers. The height of the fortress walls reached 6 meters. The one-and-a-half-hectare fortress was almost impregnable.

The posad people were engaged in agriculture, growing a wide range of cereals. The inhabitants built their homes from stone and glinobit, smeared with clay. Craft has been focused on the maintenance of a military garrison in part from the khazars, but for the most part recruited from the local men. In addition to weapons workshops, there were production facilities focused on servicing caravans that passed along the Kumyk highway.

The upper archaeological layer is mainly represented by objects and products that historians refer to the saltov-mayatsk culture, characteristic of the peoples of the khazar State.

Since the end of the 7th century, the military garrison of the fortress takes part in military and trade campaigns, strategies of khazar expeditions in Transcaucasia, often together with Byzantium, with which the khazars at that time had an agreement on eternal peace.

At the beginning of the 8th century, the arab-khazar confrontation for the possession of the Kumyk platform begins. The fortress was surrounded several times by arab troops. Since the end of the 8th century, the cultural layers of the settlement are not replenished. The city ran out of people, it soared and became a Ghost hovering over this place, walking through local legends.
