Gurji-Yurt on the Sutai river *

Gurji-Yurt on the Sutai river *

This city received a fortress in the 6th century, when the persian shahinshahs Anushirvan and Kavad were puzzled by the creation of a system of fortified points in the Kumyk plain against the Kingdom of the huns and their warlike peoples savir and bulgars.

Since many farmers lived in the vicinity of the city, the persians called this city Gyurji, which is how the profession of a farmer is designated in the persian vocabulary.

Agriculture of the local population, the core of which has been the kumyk ethnic group since the 7th century, has been the basis of the production activities of the peoples living on the Kumyk platform, whose climate is characterized by softness, for the past two thousand years. This allowed people to engage in agriculture, develop horse breeding, animal husbandry and sheep breeding all year round.

Wheat, barley, millet, oats, rice, cotton and silk for their own needs were the main agricultural activities of the kumyks.

All the cities of the Kumyk platform, connected in a single military and commercial system with the advent of the khazar era, were famous for the production of weapons, since almost all the cities of this system had military garrisons.

The city of Gurji is now identified with a settlement on the Sutai river near the Sutai-Kutan farm. The area of the ancient city with a fortress in the golden khazar times was about one and a half hectares.

Buildings in the town were made mainly of wood, which was quite a lot on the local spurs.

With the arrival of the khazars here, the town was included in a single system of fortresses and townships attached to them, which served one of the roads of the Great Silk Road along the Kumyk plain, where trade caravans used to go since ancient times. The task of the garrison in the fortress was to ensure the safety of the movement of merchant people in the area between the Sunzha and Terek rivers.

The pay that the military garrisons who served in these fortresses received was sufficient for their maintenance.

In the middle of the 8th century after the birth of Christ, the arab-khazar military and political confrontation for control of the Kumyk plain begins. Some cities were abandoned and then not restored. The same thing happened to the city of Gurji-Yurt.
