Kutan-Al on the Kumyk platform

Kutan-Al on the Kumyk platform (на ПРОЗА.РУ)

People have lived here since the time when the area of Chirmi and Hadji-kutan in the 9th century before the birth of Christ, came the scythians, who brought their cattle here for the winter slough. Since then, this place has been called Kutan, that is, the camp of shepherds in the winter pasture.

These places on the Kumyk platform are characterized by a stable mild climate, which allows the local population to engage in agriculture, develop horse breeding, animal husbandry and sheep breeding all year round.

The main agricultural activities of the population were wheat, barley, millet, oats, rice, cotton and silk for their own needs.

All the cities of the Kumyk platform, connected in a single military and commercial system with the advent of the khazar era, were famous for the production of weapons, since almost all the cities of this system had military garrisons.

The city is identified with a settlement near the current Par-aul. The area of the city with all the livestock stands and villages at them is more than 10 thousand hectares.

The fortress was founded here at the beginning of the 6th century, when the persian shahinshahs began to build defensive fortifications in the Kumyk plain against the northern peoples.

The main material for construction was wood, which was enough around. Stones from local scree were used for the bases.

During the Khazar Khaganate in the North Caucasus, the persians defensive fortifications were modernized for new tasks, the main of which was to control the safety of trade caravans in the Tersk-Sulak interfluve.

The payment received by the military garrisons that served in these fortresses was mainly for the maintenance of the military garrison, which consisted of 80% of local men. It was more important for the khazars to use this territory to solve their military and strategic tasks.

In the middle of the 8th century after the birth of Christ, the arab-khazar military and political confrontation for control of the Kumyk plain begins. Some cities were abandoned and then not restored. The same thing happened to the fortress of Kutan. People continued to live here, but this settlement did not reach the level of a city.
