Alekseev fortress in Kerch *

Alekseev fortress in Kerch *

The ancient town post-hunnic time.

Named after the neighboring village of Alekseyev in the central part of the Kerch Peninsula. How this city with a fortress could be called in khazar times has not yet been established.

In the 5th century, a network of settlements appeared here, which were founded by hunnic tribes during their transition to settlement in the area between the Donets and the Middle Don. Previously, there were no urban-type settlements with fortifications.

Until the end of the 7th century, a whole network of such towns appeared along the banks of the Middle and Lower Don to the Azov, as well as along the steppe course of the Kuban.

The Alekseyev fortress had a wall with a gate. The wall is made in the construction of Sarkel, a later construction. The architects of the Alekseyev fortress could take part in the construction of the Sarkel in the 9th century, after which the architects returned and began to strengthen the walls of the fortress.

In the center of the town stood a Citadel with an observation tower. The head of the garrison and families of nobles lived here.

In the western part of the Alekseev fortress, as in Sarkel, there were caravan-sarai.
