Korchev Mythical

Korchev Mythical (на ПРОЗА.РУ)

Also Korshev. This flying city was attributed to different lands, but most often it appeared on Vyatich land.

The word can come from the roots of korsha-korcha-kora (bark). Accordingly, the city could be called from korshi, maybe backwaters on the river, or by the name of the founder of the town, which was customary among the Vyatichi.

You can link the name of the city of Korshev with the clay bucket, which was called korch or korchag. People found clay on the coast of the river. They began to bake this clay there, make dishes, and when the clay ran out, they moved to a new place, where they continued their craft. And the city was called Korchev or Korshev.

The ancient southern rus-slavs had the God Horos, the Sun God, and the alans had a similar God. Korshev's artisans could use in their pottery initially drying clay products in the Sun, and then firing them in furnaces. So the city could have come from Khoros. This name was then transformed into Korshev, as it often happened in the history of naming in ancient Russian territories.

The greeks had a God of feasts, named as Kors, who supposedly saved people from the flood. The slavs, too, it turns out, revered him, worshipped him, got drunk on various occasions. He of course invariably appeared with a Bucket of clay, cramp or korch in the hands. Special places were arranged for him, where hymns and honors were offered in honor of him. Maybe parks with kebabs, terraces, huts. Something like a temple in honor of Korsha. So these places of worship could attract the attention of travelers by their similarity and common naming.

The city is mentioned in chronicles from the second half of the 14th century. This may mean that it occurred earlier. There are similar root towns called Korchev and which are repeated in Poland, Ukraine, in the Tver province, there is Kerch Tmutarakanskaya.

But where exactly he was, the chronicles do not indicate. Then it was on a pine Tree, and belonged to the Kiev land. It was at the village of Gorodishche near the city of Livny in the Ryazan Principality.

They painted the mythical town mainly as a fortress, usually on the bank of a river, most often for some reason Pine Trees, or small, or Large, or just pine Trees.

The Oryol scientific establishment now believes that this city can be roughly compared to the settlement near the village of Gorodetskoye.

There was Korchev in the Crimea, now it is Kerch. Here the name rather comes from the turkic word «ker», which means a fortress.
