Sari of Ancient Albania

Sari of Ancient Albania (на ПРОЗА.РУ)

A city in Ancient Albania. At one time it belonged to the khazars. Now it belongs to Iran and is located in its very North.

People settled here in the 6th century before birth Christ. And the first settlement that can be called a city appears here during the Caliphate, when a mosque was built here at the end of the 8th century.

In the middle of the 9th century, the city came under the rule of the persians.

In 910, according to Dorn, Rus, as part of a band of robbers, where there were also merchants-ushkuyniki, attacked Mazendaran, came to the city of Sari, and burned everything there that could be. Having taken a lot of loot and prisoners in the city, Rus boarded its ships and went by sea, but was soon overtaken by the Emir of the Mezendaran region and defeated.

In 913, Rus made a new campaign to the Caspian sea, where it tried to impose tribute on Mazendaran and its Sari city. It is known that the sarir chief arrived for negotiations.

Among the karaites, the word «sar» means to weave, knit, curl, bind. Maybe the name of the city has to do with some craft that the city was famous for in the area.

According to another version, the word «sar» refers to the fact that there was a local king here for some time, according to the religion of a jew. This king was put on the throne here by the khazar authorities at the time when kings appeared in Khazaria, that is, at the end of the 9th century.

This may mean that the Khazar warriors gave a rebuff to Russia..

At the end of the 14th century, the hordes of Tamerlane drive the inhabitants of Sari out of the city. However, with the rise to power of the Sefevids and Shah Abbas, the city flourished again. But this was another story of this ancient city, which was associated with a part of the history of Rus.
