Khalyg on Itil

Khalyg on Itil (на ПРОЗА.РУ)

Also Khabnela; Htslg from al-Bakri; Khamlidj by Ibn Khordadbeh.

Khalyg is considered an arabic name for one of the parts of the Khazarian capital in Itil. It is noted only by arab authors. They divided Itil into two parts, which were located on different banks of the Volga, at that time called as Itil.

Ibn Ruste from the persian city of Isfahan, who wrote his history at the beginning of the 10th century, one part of Itil was called Sarashen, and the other part on the other side he was colled Khabnella.

Gardizi from almost the same town of Gardiz, who wrote a history of the world in the middle of the 11th century after Christ, instead of Sarashen wrote Sargysh and instead Khabnella spoke of Khalyg.

Gardizi himself admitted that the information about the two parts of Itil was taken by him from an older source. He received their names from merchants. In his time, Itil already had an island in the middle of the Volga, where the third part of Itil was located, which was also considered a separate city. Hence all this naming confusion, since information from one time overlapped with information from another era.

The ancient authors did not leave any information about the exact side of the river where Khalyg was located. It can be assumed that this was the eastern part of Itil, a trading area.
