Hirax *

Hirax *

Also, Araks.

Hirax correlated with the ancient city near the modern village of Araks. Here and now the remains of the fortress and the Citadel behind its walls are preserved, which makes it possible to judge the importance of this fortified point for the khazars.

This fortress and its suburbs belonged to the Irfan region on the Kumyk plain, where one of the tracks of the Great Silk Road ran from the 2nd century before the birth of Christ.

The city constantly got in the way of arab troops during the arab-khazar wars, which lasted from the seventh and eighth centuries. Since the time of the iran-khazar war, the fortress had a khazar military garrison that provided security for movement along the Kumyk trade Route.

In 721, the army of the arab Jarrah approached the area where the fortress was located. There were several skirmishes with the arabs. The fighting lasted for almost two months, after which the remaining inhabitants of the city left it and went by secret paths into the gorge, where the arab horses could not pass. According to arab sources, Georgian Princes also took part in the defense of the city.

The remaining people in the city who did not convert to islam were killed.
