Kamyshev on Don

Kamyshev on Don (на ПРОЗА.РУ)

Also Sarkel-Three

This is the name of the city that received the Kamyshev settlement on the Don in the Rostov region next to the Right-bank Fortress, opposite the Left-bank one, Sarkel. Sarkel One Left-bank is associated with the chronicle Sarkel, with Belaya Vezha, Sarkel Two is a Right-bank settlement.

Historians do not yet know how Sarkel-Two and Sarkel-Three were named by the inhabitants of these fortresses.

The time of construction of the fortress dates back to the end of the 7th century, which is older than Sarkel.

The fortress was built on the sands. Large chalk blocks were used as building material. By its construction, the fortress belongs to the early architecture of the Khazar Khaganate and is closer to the architecture of Sarkel-Two. Sarkel-One was built later than the Right-bank fortresses in a new place.

The fortress wall of Kamyshev covered an area of 5 hectares. Apparently, before the arrival of the khazars here was first a trading center of the Kingdom of the huns, then this settlement was settled by the first slavs coming from the north, who brought various crafts to the fortress.

With the arrival of the khazars, the system of economy in the settlement did not change much, but a military contingent was added, for which a fairly large Citadel was built for that time. Moreover, at first, the city community lived in its own order, established by their ancestors. Perhaps the inhabitants of the Don possessions before the arrival of the khazars had their own Princes who waged a brutal internecine war, for which they needed defensive structures.

By the beginning of the 9th century, the city had become a major military outpost of the khazars on the Don, which became part of the entire khazar defense system on the Don. The same minor Princes who ruled here after the collapse of the Kingdom of the huns, became the nobility of Khazaria.

By the end of the 9th century, the khazar garrison leaves this fortress and is distributed to other military posts of the Khazaria in the Don area. Artisans went to other cities in search of applying their skills.
