Bititsa on the river Psel *

Bititsa on the river Psel *

The main material on this city is provided by archaeological research. Bititsa settlement in the Sumy region suggests the existence of a town here, typical of Early Rus of the 8th century. There are also khazar items, weapons of alanian and bulgar production, semi-dugouts of the slavic type, structures similar to yurts.

The name of the town comes from the word «battle». Here is really a gathered group of soldiers who have dedicated their lives to the weapons, the battles. They served as guards of trade routes, Princely and Royal embassies to other countries, modern сhos. Fate forced them to get together in a squad, they were tied up in a battle, as the slavs called a twisted rope, which was connected in one whole different.

Most of the northern slaves in the 9th century remained tributaries of the khazars. Their military formations were not permanent and gathered on occasion. They were ploughmen, hunters, and as warriors they were not professionals. They had their weapons from a hoe and a scythe. They received more sophisticated weapons from the khazars or Kievan Rus, when the latters needed to hire a temporary army to march to hard-to-reach places.

Set down Bititsa town high place of the Psel river, which flows into the Dnieper from the left side of it. Now the village of Bititsa is located nearby.

There was no fortress here, but there were decent fortifications built around the town, which could scare off groups of ushkuyniks who were prowling around in those days.

The area of the settlement was very decent for those times and reached at times up to 11 hectares. It could accommodate at least 500 families with 4 thousand residents.

Judging by the fact that the town does not have a central part, its Citadel, and there are no permanent structures, there was a large different-tribal group, based on the slavs, who performed separate assignments from the Rulers of the Lands, Early Seversk Rus, which became the progenitor of Rurik Rus, and then Kievan Rus.

The scientific world assumes that a certain control center of the entire Northern slavic World, slavic Rus, has settled here. Moreover, the most common culture in the settlement is volyntsevskaya with circular ceramics, which just at this time was born on the left bank of the Dnieper basin, in the center of which the Bititsф town was located.

Preserved items allow us to judge that there were squads here, which were the center of the druzhin сorporation of steppe production, but on the basis of the slavic type, presumably vyatichsky. There are even attempts to identify the leader of this squad with the Vyatka, with Radim and Krivich.

There was a military garrison in Bititsa, which was served by artisans of both slavic and non-slavic origin. Here, during the khazar tributary period, was the headquarters of the Kagan Governor-tudun, who led detachments gathered mainly from northerners, carriers of the saltov culture, which was joined by the alans of the Northern Donets basin. This whole army of vagabonds was three-quarters infantry, but armed with axes, knives, and bows of good quality.

There were also cavalry. The alans formed the main part of the cavalry of this russo-slavic Horde or Rus, which was in principle light, armed with bows, sabers, knives, axes, and kisten of khazar production.

Then it is clear why the khazars were here. They did not visit territories with disparate squads, there was no one to negotiate trade with. Here the khazars entered into a contract with the Vyatka, which for control of trade routes, paid the khazars taxed. This was a common practice for those times in slavic Rus.

The presence of horns and ceramics of their own manufacture suggests that the squad was not without work and could pay for ceramics and jewelry for their wives.

In the 9th century, part of Bititsa of the Rus decided to go under the arm of Rurik and settle in the legendary places of Ilmen, about which they had information passed down from the old men, magicians, wise men and volchvovs from generation to generation. In addition, they began to be oppressed by the khazars, with whom armed conflicts began to arise more often. By that time, the Khazars began to replenish the Volga steppe dwellers, displaced from the steppes by the Khazar Tsars, who by that time had adopted judaism.

In the first half of the 9th century, after another stabbing, associated with the redistribution of power in Khazaria, the main part of Bititsa, Slavic Rus, went to the North-East, and those who remained could not hold the place and, subsequently, joined Kievan Rus.

There were no more centers like Bititsa in the Northern Land, which were remote detachments of khazar or Kievan squads and guides of their power.
