Burunchak of the Kumyk plain *

Burunchak of the Kumyk plain *

The city with the fortress was located on the bank of the Sulak river in the Kumyk plain. It appeared on the site of the first kumyks, who came from the ancient family of tyumen. Near the town, according to russian archives, it was Sultaneev the place where the kumyks were going to solve their common issues.

From here, according to the chronicles, the settlement of kumyks in other villages and cities began, in particular, in Soltan-Yangi-Yurt.

The ethnic territory of the kumyk people contained many ancient cities and fortresses, which were described by many arab, byzantine, persian, russian, armenian and georgian chroniclers.

These were well-developed cities that received their main design in the era of the huns and the Khazar Khaganate.

The Kumyk plain had a mild climate. This allowed the population to engage in cattle breeding and agriculture all year round.

The culture of kumyk agriculture was wheat, barley, millet, oats, rice, cotton, silk for their own needs, viticulture.

The ethnic basis of the лumyks was the лipchak-oguz-bulgar conglomerate of clans and tribes that developed in the bowels of the Khazarus state.

The culture of the лumyks is similar to that of other сaucasian mountaineers, but the kumyks do not look at customs as an inviolable shrine and easily allow deviations from them. This is due to the fact that the kumyks always participated in the military and trade campaigns of the Kingdom of the huns, khazars and the Golden Horde in Transcaucasia, which allowed them to be a transmission link in the movement of cultures from south to north, and from east to west.

As a multi-layered people, the kumyks have always had a great influence on neighboring tribes.

The city got its name, apparently, during the period of the Golden Horde presence on the Kumyk plain. The same name and at the same time, the tatars awarded the plateau in the Crimea in the Bakhchisarai district. On the Burunchak plateau was the aerial city of Chuft-Kale, and under this plateau was an underground cave city.

The name of the city Burunchak was somehow connected with the elevation, airiness, grandeur, a certain achievement, profitability.

In the city there were pavements, many structures made of stone, there was a water supply that flowed clean water from a mountain stream nearby.
