
Sidorovskoe (на ПРОЗА.РУ)

Analysts attribute the appearance of this city to the middle of the 6th century after the birth of Christ. It is not yet possible to identify it with the name of any city from the chronicles known to science. Therefore, it is listed in research works as the Sidorov settlement, after the name of the village of Sidorovo in the Donetsk region, a few kilometers from the city of Svyatogorsk, where, according to popular belief, Koschey ruled, on the bank of the middle course of the Seversky Donets.

Materials recovered by archaeologists from the site allow us to outline the time of the city's existence in four centuries, from the 6th to the 10th centuries.

Previously, there was a settlement on the site of the city, which can be attributed to the presence of the last sarmatians here in the 3rd century after the birth of Christ.

Since the 8th century, the social culture of the city has seen an increase in khazar influence. By the middle of the 8th century, all the main signs of the saltov culture were formed here.

The city developed synchronously with other cities in the line of Donetsk settlements between the mouths of the Oskol and Kazenny Torets rivers at their confluence with the Seversky Donets.

All cities were separated from each other at a distance of no more than six kilometers. All settlements are almost indistinguishable in the architectural systems of fortifications and townships.

Around the city there were constantly new villages and posads that actively participated in the commercial and military life of the city. The city gradually expanded due to its satellites, as can be seen from the many settlements around the historical center of the city, which arose in the 7th century.

At the end of the 10th century, the cultural layers of the city are no longer replenished with new materials. The city ceases to function. This was the time of the destruction of Khazaria as a state under the pressure of the power of Kievan Rus.

Since the middle of the 11th century, the life of the settlement is revived, but it reaches the level of the city for a short time only in the era of the Golden Horde.

The area along the banks of the Seversky Donets was densely populated since ancient times. With the arrival of the slavs, quite large villages appeared here, most of which had fortifications in the form of ramparts and ditches. In addition to the slavs, nomads from the bulgars, sarmatian alans, savirs, and khazars settled here.

Artisans in the city engaged in a wide variety of crafts, in which they reached great heights. Researchers note that the khazars were able to make great achievements in metallworking, in the manufacture of weapons, military equipment, and in blacksmithing. Artisans were able to cast copper cauldrons that were used for ritual actions. Pottery was well developed using a potter's wheel.
