Khamlidj on Itil

Khamlidj on Itil (на ПРОЗА.РУ)

Also found in the same news Ha-Melech Hamlych, Hbnl, Htslg, Hmdg, Itil, Khalid, Big water.

The name Khamlidj is considered to be the first name of the caspian city of Khazaria at the mouth of the Volga, which received a different name after the Khazar Khagan moved from Sarkel to Itil.

The city was first reported by arab authors in the 9th century. The general view was that it was a part of Itil.

Idrisi and al-Beida referred Khamlidj away from Itil, to emphasize this, that initially, Khamlidj were not Itil, as well as was not with him a part of it.

Al-Beida Khamlidj called the capital of the khazars on the Volga, later it became known as Itil.

Bekri Itil divided into two parts: Barish and Hdlg, Ibn Khordadbeh this set of consonants decodes as Khamlidj.

Artamonov believes that all the voice-overs of this city indicate its different incarnations, but it was located in one place, being part of Itil.

Merchants of Rus from the slavs in the 9th century carried furs and iron swords of russian forging here. They were carrying their goods more to Byzantium, but was taken across the Don with crossigs and fords in Khamlidj. From there, they go to the sea of Giurgiana. There russian merchants take their goods on camels to Baghdad.

M.Agha, a researcher of karaite history, notes that the karaite word «khan» means King, so Khamlidj will mean the Royal city.

The jewish version of the appearance of the name Khamlidj suggests that the name of the city is based on the presence of the Khan's headquarters in it. They also link the name to the mongolian word «khanbalyk», meaning Khan's city in russian. You can make the name of the city from the hebrew word «ha-melech», which, allegedly, was worn by the khazar Kings.

However, in the 7th century, when this suburb of Itil on the Volga appeared, no khans were known here, there were no jews here either, as well as the mongols. The sources of this name should be found in the vocabulary of savir, bulgars, and the khazars themselves.

In the 9th century, a spanish jew visited Khamlidj, passed this city in the direction from west to east, and he called this city the capital of Khazaria. A doubtful story, since it was already Itil by that time.

Vernadsky claims that Khamlij was at the end of the Volga and of the Volga-Don portage, at Tsaritsyn.

The Book of Ways and Countries calls Khamlidj a separate city from Itil, and it is named in it as the main trading city of the khazars, which was visited by jewish merchants who traveled from Africa, Spain, France, Antioch to India and the Far East.

These jewish merchants went to the Eastern European lands behind Rumiya or Armenia to the russian-slavic Princes, and from there went to Khamlidj, where they paid tithes to the khazars who accompanied them to Khorasan.

Ibn al-Faqih name of Khamlidj changes to Khalid that he had meant the straits, the water, the Khazar river, Volga river, apparently.

Ibn Khordadbeh says that Khamlidj is located near the mouth of the rivers flowing into the Caspian sea. He also noted that this was the final point of the trade route of merchants traveling from the north to the country of Djurjan. They paid tithes to the Khazar King for their safety along the Itil river.

Ibn Ruste calls this town, apparently, Hbnl. In the texts about this city, the city of Saryshin is always present, which corresponds to two parts of the city of Itil, facing each other on different banks of this huge river, so that travelers and geographers quite reasonably took them for different cities.
