Khazar in Arran

Khazar in Arran (на ПРОЗА.РУ)

Also the city of Kabala at Masudi. Balazuri the city was called Khazar.

The chronicle does not allow us to establish where this city was located. Somewhere between Shirvan and Araks.

According to Balazuri and Ibn al-Asir, who compiled their chronicles in the 9th century, at the end of the 5th century after the birth of Christ, the khazars captured Jurzan and Arran. Here the khazars should be understood as the Kingdom of the huns.

However, Shah Kavad, who at that time ruled Persia, to which the Kings of Jurzan and Arran swore allegiance, gathered his army, attacked the huns and drove them beyond the Caucasus. Apparently, the huns could not hold Arran under their control at that time, and Kawad did not want to wage a long and bloody war with them.

Thus, the hunnic leader ceded Arran to the persians by agreement, so both the persians and the huns had to own this country together, so a hunnic ruler was put in Kabala, which was eventually replaced by a khazar one, which is why the city was often called in the chronicles of the Khazar.

In order not to fight bloody wars with the huns, Kavad builds a magnificent fortress for the city of Berda'a, naming it the capital of Arran, and also built a defensive wall in the city, naming the city with the fortress of Kabala.

In addition, Kavad is building a wall of mud bricks with a width of 350 kilometers, which it stretched from Shirvan to Daryal. Along the walls Kavad Anushirvan built 360 cities. Arab chroniclers reported that all these walls fell into complete disrepair after the construction of Bab al-abwab.

Balazuri called this city Khazar, which, in his opinion, was the center of savir settlements in Arran, which was under the protectorate of the Khazar State. Now it is Azerbaijan, which considers itself the heir of the khazars in this region.

Masudi understood the khazars as the turkic saviro-bulgars, who eventually settled in the Arran city Khazar, making it the center of their presence in Arran.

Nowadays, a village with the relict name of Khazar has survived in southern Dagestan. Perhaps it is somehow connected with the city of the huns Kabala-Khazar.
