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  • "1 in 10 organizations execute their strategies successfully." • Citat fra : Fortune Magazine, 1998

  • "In an age where shareholder valuations far exceed the capital holdings of an organisation, the non-financial factor that has the highest influence on evaluation is the organisation's ability to execute its strategy and not the quality of the strategy itself." • Citat fra : "Measures that Matter", Ernst & Young LLP, 1998

  • "It's shattering - it goes against the grain! Yet an estimated 70% of senior executive failures are not caused by a poor strategy, but rather by poor execution of the strategy - not getting things done, being indecisive, not delivering on commitments."• Citat fra : "Why CEO's Fail", Fortune Magazine, 21. juni 1998

  • "The Balanced Scorecard provides a framework and mechanism to integrate strategy formulation and strategy execution" • Citat fra: "The Strategy-Focused Organization", Kaplan og Norton, 2001

  • "A Balanced Scorecard tells the “story of the strategy” "• Citat fra: "The Strategy-Focused Organization", Kaplan og Norton, 2001

  • "For at en god strategiplan også skal føre til øget værdiskabelse til gavn for alle virksomhedens interessenter, er det afgørende, at den i størst muligt omfang forankres hos alle medarbejdere. Dansk Eternit Holding (DEH) har valgt Balanced Scorecard som det værktøj, der skal sikre virkeliggørelsen af selskabets nye strategiplan." • Citat fra : "Ledelse og medarbejdere i tæt samarbejde om ny strategi", FLS Orientering, Oktober 2001/4

  • "Udarbejdelse af strategiplaner er altid et stort og væsentligt arbejde, navnlig på ledelsesplan. I DEH mener vi imidlertid, at strategiarbejdet kan blive et langt mere nyttigt værktøj i dagligdagen, når hver enkelt afdeling og medarbejder i koncernen inddrages og får mulighed for at give deres bidrag. Kun når medarbejderne føler ejerskab over for strategiplanen, kan den virkeliggøres, så målene nås," • Citat fra : "Ledelse og medarbejdere i tæt samarbejde om ny strategi", FLS Orientering, Oktober 2001/4

  • "Vi har fra starten involveret vore medarbejdere i strategiarbejdet. Alle skal ikke vide alt, men alle skal deltage på deres niveau. Jo længere ud i organisationen, vi kommer, jo mere afgrænsede områder deltager man i. På den måde brydes strategien ned, så den passer til den dagligdag, den enkelte medarbejder er en del af." • Citat fra : "Alle skal kende vejen til målet", FLS Orientering, Oktober 2002/4

  • "Den største effekt af strategiprocessen skal, ifølge direktøren, findes på medarbejdersiden. Vi har opnået det, at vore ledere med Balanced Score Card har fået en helt anden værktøjskasse at agere udfra. Det er også typisk blandt lederne, vi har rekrutteret coaches til at trække processen igennem ude i selskaberne, og de har i dag et særdeles grundigt kendskab både til strategiens retning og hastighed. Deres entusiasme skal i den kommende tid brede sig videre ud i organisationen" • Citat fra : "Alle skal kende vejen til målet", FLS Orientering, Oktober 2002/4

  • "Strategic success requires going beyond successful strategy formulation to successful strategy execution"• Citat fra : "Execution - The Discipline of Getting Things Done", Larry Bossidy, 2002

  • "72% of CEOs believe that executing their chosen strategy is more difficult than developing a good strategy"• Citat fra : Malcolm Baldrige CEO Survey, 2002

  • "Vi kan simpelt hen ikke forestille os at implementere en strategi, som vores medarbejdere ikke kender. Hvis ikke vi i ledelsen kan sætte ledestjernen - vores vision - og tydeligt vise retningen, så kan vi heller ikke forvente, at nogen følger os" • Citat fra : "Alle skal kende vejen til målet", FLS Orientering, Oktober 2002/4

  • "I tråd med FLS Koncernens One Target projekt valgte DEH på et tidligt tidspunkt at arbejde med ledelsesmodellen, Balanced Score Card (BSC), for at sikre en effektiv implementering af strategiplanen i hele organisationen og dermed værdiskabelsen i virksomheden. Men BSC har samtidig vist sig at være et godt støtteværktøj i virksomhedens omfattende forandringsproces." • Citat fra : "Alle skal kende vejen til målet", FLS Orientering, Oktober 2002/4

  • "At the highest level, the Balanced Scorecard is a framework that helps organizations put strategy at the center of the organization by translating strategy into operational objectives that drive both behavior and performance" • Citat fra: Balanced Scorecard Collaborative, Inc., 2003

  • "Once measures have been selected, they must be defined in detail to ensure they can be reported in a consistent, repeatable manner"• Citat fra : Balanced Scorecard Collaborative, 2003

  • "Now that we have an approved strategy map, we must refine the draft measures, targets, and initiatives for each objective on the map." "Typically, we are looking for the one (or two at the most) measure that is the best indicator of whether or not the organization is achieving an objective" • Citat fra : Balanced Scorecard Collaborative, 2003

  • "Organizational Motivation : 1) Measures function as a tool to drive desired behavior. 2) Measures give individuals direction in what they need to do to help fulfill the organization’s strategy. 3) People respond better to what gets inspected than to what is only expected"• Citat fra : "The Purpose of Strategic Measures", Balanced Scorecard Collaborative, 2003

  • "Evaluation of Strategy and Strategic Learning : 1) Management uses strategic measures to test the organization’s progress toward achieving strategic objectives 2)Monitoring strategic measures allows the organization to determine its strategic performance and validate the strategy" • Citat fra : "The Purpose of Strategic Measures", Balanced Scorecard Collaborative, 2003

  • "If more than 1 measure is applicable, use the one that best tracks and communicates the intent"• Citat fra : "Best Practices Tactical Guidelines for Selecting Strategic Measures", Balanced Scorecard Collaborative, 2003

  • "Usually no more than 25 measures per scorecard — the Executive Team should focus on no more than that" • Citat fra : "Best Practices Tactical Guidelines for Selecting Strategic Measures", Balanced Scorecard Collaborative, 2003

  • "It’s about management and change first; measurement and technology are second "• Citat fra: "Improve Public Sector Results With A Balanced Scorecard: Nine Steps To Success", Howard Rohm, 2003

  • "85% of management teams spend less than one hour per month on strategy issues" • Citat fra : Balanced Scorecard Collaborative, Inc., 2003

  • "The Balanced Scorecard is at the heart of creating an SFO : It provides a framework to translate the vision and strategy into operational terms"• Citat fra : "Understanding Strategy Focused Organisations", Balanced Scorecard Collaborative, 2003

  • "The Strategy Map is used to describe how value is created." "Balanced Scorecard represents a complete programme for action : Objectives, Measures, Targets, Initiatives" • Citat fra : "Understanding Strategy Focused Organisations", Balanced Scorecard Collaborative, 2003

  • "One lag measure for every strategic objective (occasionally two)"• Citat fra : "Best Practices Tactical Guidelines for Selecting Strategic Measures", Balanced Scorecard Collaborative, 2003

  • "Lead measures may be assigned to Internal and Learning & Growth objectives and occasionally to Customer objectives " • Citat fra : "Best Practices Tactical Guidelines for Selecting Strategic Measures", Balanced Scorecard Collaborative, 2003

  • "Initiatives are where the strategy gets executed." "If you want your organisation to focus on strategy, make sure that your management systems are designed to manage strategy." "The Strategy Map is used to describe how value is created" • Citat fra : "Understanding Strategy Focused Organisations", Balanced Scorecard Collaborative, 2003

  • "Given the way the concept of the balanced scorecard has evolved in practice, it is no wonder that many financial executives look on the concept as an expensive, bloated, and useless substitute for the traditional paper reports. Most companies get very little value out of balanced scorecards, because they haven't followed the basic rules that make them effective." • Citat fra : "Most Executives Are Unable to Take Balanced Scorecards From Concept to Reality", The Hackett Group, Oktober 2004

  • "If you're tracking nine times the recommended number of metrics, you're confusing detail with accuracy and it's going to be almost impossible to see indicators that might emerge from the data. Companies make the mistake of relying heavily on historical internal finance data. It's what they understand best, and are the most comfortable with. But by putting little weight into forward-looking internal and external metrics, such as sales forecasts, market share, competitor pricing, and broad economic indicators, companies sabotage their own balanced scorecard efforts. They create a system that's about as effective as driving with the windshield covered while looking in the rearview mirror." • Citat fra : "Most Executives Are Unable to Take Balanced Scorecards From Concept to Reality", The Hackett Group, Oktober 2004

  • "The strategy map is also a simple yet powerful graphical tool for involving employees at different organizational levels in a discussion of the company's aims and means." • Citat fra : "Twelve years later : Understanding and realizing the value of Balanced ScoreCards", Nils-Göran Olve, 2004

  • "Scorecards and strategy maps are communication tools. They depict initiatives and performance within organizational units, enabling managers and employees in the unit to discuss direction, degree of success, and trade-offs." • Citat fra : "Twelve years later : Understanding and realizing the value of Balanced ScoreCards", Nils-Göran Olve, 2004

  • "It's not surprising that BSC projects fail when there is no agreement on its scope or aims." • Citat fra : "Twelve years later : Understanding and realizing the value of Balanced ScoreCards", Nils-Göran Olve m.fl., 2004

  • "What seems important is to signal early in the project, and to everyone who is going to be involved, that scorecards are about overview and balance, not primarily about a lot of separate measurements." • Citat fra : "Twelve years later : Understanding and realizing the value of Balanced ScoreCards", Nils-Göran Olve m.fl., 2004

  • "It is not necessary to invest in an information system to make the scorecard actionable. At Heathrow, for example, British Airways deliberately decided not to invest in any dedicated BSC software." • Citat fra : "Twelve years later : Understanding and realizing the value of Balanced ScoreCards", Nils-Göran Olve m.fl., 2004

  • "All too often, controllers and scorecard experts believe that they have to invest in an IT solution to operate their scorecards. Instead, we suggest a more critical attitude toward IT solutions. If the organization decides to invest in an IT tool, a solution should be chosen based on the functionality it offers in the different phases of the scorecard project" • Citat fra : "Twelve years later : Understanding and realizing the value of Balanced ScoreCards", Nils-Göran Olve m.fl., 2004

  • "So BSC's main potential, as we see it, is in organizations that want to involve managers and employees in dialogues about strategy." • Citat fra : "Twelve years later : Understanding and realizing the value of Balanced ScoreCards", Nils-Göran Olve m.fl., 2004

  • "To respond in the best interests of our organization, we need to understand its strategy, and the implications of the strategy for our own tasks. Scorecards, and in particular strategy maps, are means of furthering the organization's potential for strategic thinking, and focusing its activities on realizing intended strategies." • Citat fra : "Twelve years later : Understanding and realizing the value of Balanced ScoreCards", Nils-Göran Olve m.fl. 2004

  • "It is not necessary to invest in an information system to make the scorecard actionable. At Heathrow, for example, British Airways deliberately decided not to invest in any dedicated BSC software." • Citat fra : "Twelve years later : Understanding and realizing the value of Balanced ScoreCards", Nils-Göran Olve, 2004

  • "All too often, controllers and scorecard experts believe that they have to invest in an IT solution to operate their scorecards. Instead, we suggest a more critical attitude toward IT solutions. If the organization decides to invest in an IT tool, a solution should be chosen based on the functionality it offers in the different phases of the scorecard project" • Citat fra : "Twelve years later : Understanding and realizing the value of Balanced ScoreCards", Nils-Göran Olve, 2004

  • "Før sad vi tit og sagsbehandlede på ledelsesmøderne, og vi kom først ud i afdelingerne, når det var gået galt. Vores ledelsesstil lignede mest brandslukning. Nu har vi fået et værktøj, så vi kan tænke mere fremadrettet, og alle ved nu, i hvilken retning, vi vil udvikle sygehuset" • Citat fra: "Kvantespring i offentlig ledelse i Århus " (Skejby Sygehus), Børsen, 5. november 2004

  • " ... , at den balancerede målstyring i praksis fungerer som en god huskeliste for de beslutninger, der skal træffes, og for de områder, som ledelsen på de enkelte afdelinger skal holde øje med." • Citat fra: "Kvantespring i offentlig ledelse i Århus " (Skejby Sygehus), Børsen, 5. november 2004

  • "Den største fordel ved Balanced ScoreCard er, at vi har en metode, der rent faktisk beskriver forretningsstrategien. Vi har altid manglet et sådant fælles rammeværktøj, og Balanced ScoreCard giver ikke alene en konsistent og robust måde at beskrive strategi på, men er også et værktøj til at måle effekterne af strategien. Derfor kan vi løbende vurdere, om vi er på rette kurs med hensyn til implementeringen af strategien. Tidligere har vi været henvist til at forlade os på finansielle redegørelser og rapporter, som viser resultaterne af en strategi, men ikke kan anvendes til at beskrive selve strategien." • Citat fra: Robert Kaplan, foredrag i København om hvordan Balanced ScoreCard kan anvendes til at skabe synergi i virksomheden, foråret 2006.

  • "For us, just having a series of bottom-line performance measures didn’t make sense. We wanted a way to communicate and connect those measures to citizens and employees. Building a scorecard helps managers link today’s actions with the achievement of today’s priorities. It encourages accountability. And, today, we define accountability by results."• Citat af : Pam Syfert, City Manager, City of Charlotte’s"

  • "If you don't develop a strategy of your own, you become a part of someone else's strategy." (Alvin Toffler)

  • "You can't tell when you're winning if you don't keep score. The Balanced Scorecard helps track your hits and misses." (Eric Berkman)

  • "Når man ikke har besluttet sig for, hvor man er på vej hen og hvordan, har man ikke store chancer for at nå derhen." (Kinesisk mundheld)

  • "Styring handler om at skabe betingelser, under hvilke sandsynligheden for ønskede udfald øges." (Ukendt)

  • "What you measure is what you get." (Kaplan & Norton)

  • "What gets measured gets done." (Lynch & Cross)

  • "Measure what matters." (Hope & Hope)

  • "Mål fastlægger adfærd - Konsekvens fastholder adfærd." (Ukendt)

  • "Managing a company by means of the monthly reports is like trying to drive a car by watching the yellow line in the rear view mirror." (Myron Tribus)

  • "People and their managers are working so hard to be sure things are done right, that they hardly have time to decide if they are doing the right things." (Stephen R. Covey)

  • "It’s about management and change first; measurement and technology are second." (Howard Rohm)

  • "Management is prediction." (W.E. Deming)

  • "Sub-optimization is when everyone is for himself. Optimization is when everyone is working to help the company." (W.E. Deming)

  • "Management's job is to optimize the whole system." (W.E. Deming)

  • "Surround yourself with the best people you can find, delegate authority, and don't interfere." (Ronald Reagan)

  • "When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind."(Lord Kelvin,1824 - 1907)

  • "Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." (Albert Einstein)

  • "I en foranderlig verden får man ikke de resultater som man plejer - hvis man gør som man plejer." (Ukendt)

  • "Der findes tre slags virksomheder. De som får ting til at ske. De som ser sager ske. Og de som undrer sig over, hvad der skete." (Philip Kotler)

  • "Den eneste kilde til viden er erfaring." (Albert Einstein)

  • "Nem adgang til information er ikke det samme som viden." (Terry Pratchet)

  • "Hvis man ikke ved, hvor man skal hen, er det ligegyldigt, hvilken vej man vælger." (Alice i eventyrland)

  • "An ideal strategy tells the story of how a company will offer substantial and unique value to customers in a way that is difficult for competitors to imitate." (Joel Shapiro)

  • "Strategy is about being different. It means deliberately choosing a different set of activities to deliver a unique mix of value." (Michael Porter)

  • "Strategy is a set of key choices about customers, value-added, differentiation, and performance defining the shape and identity of the enterprise." (Michael Hammer)

  • "Strategy is visioning what the future will look like and then stretching the firm's skills in order to position it to take advantage of that future." (Gary Hamel)

  • "At the end of the day, you bet on people, not on strategies." (Lawrence Bossidy)

  • "The best strategies are laid to waste by poor execution." (Joel Shapiro)

  • "SPOTS = "Strategic Plans on Top Shelf" : Develop a fancy strategy, put it in a nifty binder, and then tuck it away neatly & safely on some distant shelf-forever! (Dave Ulrich)