Linoleum Prints



Solid Color


Non-Traditional Surface

These are my Linoleum prints made with ink, a Linoleum stamp, paper and for my extended, colored pencil. The stamp is a photo of my friend and I on spirit day. I really like this photo, and I tried some other photos to use but they didn't have a lot of negative space, and I felt this image was proportional. Originally, I was going to have our faces, but carving it out of the stamp was super difficult and they weren't coming out how I wanted them to, so I decided to leave the faces blank. There is no meaning other than I like this photo because its one of the only photos I have with my friend. I don't really think I'd change anything other than probably adding more ink and pressing the print onto the paper more harder because I feel like there are lots of splotchy ink prints that could be fixed.