
Pot Of Gold

Color Pencil, Marker


This is my WhatchamaDrawit Piece. My prompt was "Draw the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow" and this is what I came up with. I was thinking of something super colorful, like a fairytale. I love making clouds in my art, so I knew I wanted to add it to this piece too, so I added pink fluffy clouds. I mostly used colored pencil, marker and some colored pens to outline. I started off with a sketch, and then continued on from there by making the lines more prominent, and adding color. I wasn't sure what materials to use at first, so I started off with just colored pencil and thought it looked a little plain, so I used marker to make the colors brighter. I stuck with the same idea in my head for what I wanted to draw though. I knew I wanted it on some sort of hill, and that I wanted the rainbow to go off the paper. I think my next steps could be to go in with some water color so there isn't any white showing from the spots that the colored pencils missed. I feel like it would make the whole drawing more bold overall.